Coral Cove

Coral Cove

Game action
Coral Cove

Coral Cove Achievements

Here is the full list of all 17 Coral Cove achievements.

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  • Shocking Revelation

    Reach level 4 in any game mode.

  • King Crab

    Reach a score of 300 or more in a single hex-region mode game without losing a single coral to the shockwave.

  • Neptuna

    Reach a score of 1000 or more in a single random-region mode game with all modifiers enabled and without using undo.

  • Hexagenius

    Build 4 level 5 corals on the fertile tiles around the center.

  • Taking the Bait

    Merge a coral only to lose it to the shockwave immediately afterwards.

  • Industrial Coralling

    Shield a coral farm that is not connected to the center and watch the game win itself.

  • Diving In

    Complete the tutorial.

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