Top Scores for the Pixel Puzzles Series

For the Pixel Puzzles Series leaderboards, we include all games including regional and platform variants of each game to enable us to properly compare gamers.

Top Scores for the Pixel Puzzles Series

Gamer Achievements TA GS Played Completed
1. minus4k 4,123 121,842 41,290 15 13
2. Csontzuzo 3,494 108,740 34,940 7 5
3. Azatoth 3,607 108,043 36,110 11 10
4. Showdawn 3,180 98,253 31,840 12 11
5. Sterbehilfe 2,949 97,984 29,530 4 3
6. Pats_Cat 3,122 97,056 31,250 10 8
7. Babster 2,853 94,554 28,530 2 1
8. Breedofspeed 2,816 93,794 28,180 1 0
9. DreadfulAlex 3,020 91,506 30,220 3 1
10. atreides 2,850 87,618 28,500 8 7
11. kilianus777 2,838 85,069 28,420 10 9
12. Marloo Redd 3,020 84,875 30,260 14 12
13. Neekems 2,734 81,205 27,400 8 7
14. discojanet 2,479 78,093 24,810 1 0
15. snoopywg 2,725 78,010 27,290 12 11
16. ggDokkan Exasa 2,457 76,363 24,590 2 1
17. ch0colatemilk 2,663 76,139 26,630 11 6
18. Gingergal 2,623 72,534 26,250 10 7
19. eserr 2,371 71,243 23,710 2 0
20. LyndaSmiles 2,412 70,099 24,120 9 4
21. rabbit54 2,406 69,246 24,080 11 4
22. Dargart 2,587 68,874 25,870 16 12
23. GokuGaming 2,267 67,302 22,730 3 1
24. aaaaaaaaaa810 2,042 65,278 20,420 2 1
25. Thaneboi 2,088 64,077 20,900 1 0
26. floydine 2,204 63,759 22,100 7 6
27. ReisingerRP 2,308 61,960 23,120 12 10
28. LUKiNTEROS 2,188 60,429 21,880 11 8
29. lconanl 1,968 58,891 19,720 9 8
30. philf750 2,261 58,001 22,610 18 10
31. paulxx62 2,132 57,391 21,330 12 8
32. eVeRbLaZe 2,023 57,339 20,270 10 8
33. TheMommik 2,074 56,181 20,740 14 11
34. PhenaOfMari 1,982 54,721 19,860 12 11
35. Tristetea 1,906 54,049 19,100 8 7
36. Pearl Dragon 2,055 53,261 20,590 12 9
37. savesta 1,809 50,623 18,140 6 5
38. akwilla 1,809 50,334 18,120 11 6
39. Cubar 1,524 49,313 15,240 5 0
40. HerrieM 1,864 48,754 18,680 15 11
41. barondeghost 1,814 47,715 18,200 11 10
42. Tulio 1,696 47,519 17,520 5 4
43. caiusballad93 1,636 47,463 16,360 3 0
44. Bissha 1,625 45,692 16,300 4 3
45. Zazuku 1,828 44,625 18,850 13 11
46. Flashbac85 1,411 44,581 14,110 1 0
47. flinkman 1,673 44,361 16,770 14 11
48. silenthero 1,546 43,973 15,460 7 3
49. Recker 1,711 42,255 17,110 14 9
50. NiceStickman 1,495 41,162 14,990 12 9
51. asv1113 1,446 40,566 14,500 7 6
52. Guts42 1,433 40,293 14,330 6 3
53. driftee 1,299 40,215 12,990 2 1
54. El_Sayal 1,584 39,294 15,900 11 10
55. zajog 1,580 39,198 15,840 12 9
56. Mud_Vayne 1,492 38,793 14,960 8 7
57. NovaScotiaSean 1,429 38,606 14,290 9 3
58. nickchanger 1,310 38,414 13,140 10 7
59. ta_taa 1,542 38,063 15,420 11 8
60. SinfulWun 1,365 37,553 13,650 10 4
61. KeijoPertti 1,353 37,502 13,530 6 2
62. Barbe-bleue 1,214 37,221 12,180 7 4
63. Xeeran 1,351 36,450 13,550 9 8
64. PhantomX 1,463 35,744 14,690 11 8
65. KikiHR 1,414 35,729 14,180 9 6
66. Isis 1,505 35,356 15,610 10 8
67. BraiweN 1,251 35,297 12,530 2 1
68. Parzival 1,235 34,268 12,350 6 5
69. VicViperGradius 1,149 34,157 11,490 1 0
70. vicrabb 1,329 33,891 13,330 9 6
71. DaLe 1,090 33,542 10,900 1 0
72. Achweirdo 1,249 33,457 12,550 6 4
73. SilverFox 1,199 32,626 11,990 10 2
74. GodbertManderville 1,158 31,678 11,620 4 3
75. Fet 1,120 31,135 11,200 4 2
76. Tomcatus 1,251 30,990 12,550 11 10
77. ClubRoxy 1,325 30,547 13,300 13 10
78. Deiru 1,120 30,163 11,250 12 4
79. rfreedlund 1,058 30,093 10,580 3 0
80. Meona 1,262 29,991 12,660 11 8
81. Tchii 1,287 29,873 12,870 15 11
82. Kikaiinu 1,170 29,767 11,750 6 2
83. muz 1,270 29,756 12,720 13 8
84. Mhaw 1,089 29,241 10,890 1 0
85. torgi 1,140 28,951 11,440 13 9
86. Nickmackma 1,159 28,779 11,640 5 4
87. Mongolay 1,008 28,512 10,120 4 3
88. tautology 1,179 28,377 11,860 9 6
89. Wienna 925 28,003 9,280 8 5
90. Mad Dog Torx 1,139 27,985 11,430 12 10
91. get9 1,049 27,939 10,490 4 3
92. LonerD 891 27,852 8,910 3 2
93. Thomas Irwin 1,140 27,794 11,420 8 6
94. Danych 741 27,577 7,410 1 0
95. aliceofthegames 952 27,472 9,530 2 0
96. Zedexx 924 27,116 9,240 7 5
97. MuFeR 801 26,710 8,010 3 0
98. fearbrog 1,167 26,671 12,230 12 11
99. Stexred 1,149 26,447 11,530 10 7
100. Xeila 1,047 26,442 10,570 11 0
101. alphabet 1,055 26,146 10,590 8 7
102. AFAK 944 26,050 9,440 14 1
103. Grover 1,193 25,894 11,930 12 7
104. Daerphen 959 25,243 9,630 6 5
105. anton8677 963 25,232 9,640 4 1
106. NoAngelHonestly 1,019 25,009 10,190 13 3
107. Pri 1,065 24,942 10,700 10 7
108. iDunShare 990 24,864 9,910 6 5
109. Lomingen 809 24,611 8,110 2 1
110. dart193 1,076 24,096 10,800 12 11
111. Gaelastrasz 928 23,582 9,300 6 4
112. DDtective 1,021 23,349 10,210 12 9
113. Tathagata 778 23,335 7,780 3 0
114. TheStranger 1,063 22,906 10,650 11 7
115. Strider 765 22,854 7,670 3 2
116. Ariandel 984 22,792 10,360 6 5
117. FunkeymonkeyTTR 938 22,432 9,380 9 8
118. tomleb 1,001 22,410 10,530 7 4
119. private_pile 812 22,290 8,120 2 1
120. Masafor 946 22,259 9,460 10 4
121. liinniejj 833 21,779 8,340 4 3
122. Xhiell 822 21,403 8,310 4 1
123. BarryOgg 655 21,320 6,550 4 1
124. Vampire_DKC 954 21,281 9,600 12 10
125. Immortal King 885 21,207 8,900 7 6
126. Serenity_xx_ 871 20,769 8,710 9 3
127. FreSsh 879 20,730 8,850 8 7
128. balq4ko 625 20,730 6,260 3 0
129. Invinctus 901 20,211 9,040 11 8
130. Hordak 859 20,186 8,640 8 6
131. feziqx 760 20,156 7,600 3 2
132. BOT cuutie314 731 20,072 7,320 3 0
133. Amon Ra 649 20,021 6,530 3 2
134. Sellyme 881 19,969 8,850 9 4
135. wheatrich 710 19,696 7,110 1 0
136. loomkoom 715 19,608 7,150 4 1
137. AlexRoman91 822 19,589 8,260 9 5
138. dfgarcia 722 19,422 7,260 3 2
139. DakotaThrice 874 19,400 8,750 10 7
140. Dodo 789 19,141 7,930 5 4
141. Chrimle 658 19,133 6,580 3 0
142. Batprince 685 19,129 6,860 2 1
143. Poofcakes 729 19,121 7,330 5 4
144. Naprany 683 19,070 6,830 2 1
145. Mister Axiom 844 19,031 8,440 10 7
146. AllisonUnderland 849 19,013 8,500 8 4
147. jeks322 589 18,777 5,920 1 0
148. 3Mark 853 18,700 8,550 7 0
149. MoloA 722 18,611 7,220 7 4
150. yasminvandijk 615 18,584 6,190 4 2
151. foxinsox 605 18,582 6,050 3 0
152. NealS 714 18,514 7,140 4 3
153. Agent_005 704 18,469 7,040 5 2
154. Errise 748 18,324 7,530 7 5
155. stupidfoxtrot 802 18,321 8,060 10 5
156. fbgenius 711 18,278 7,130 6 3
157. Space Invader 742 18,226 7,940 2 1
158. Dogas 689 18,192 6,890 6 5
159. Dvie 703 17,921 7,030 2 1
160. DavidCarlson 730 17,913 7,340 6 5
161. fnisto 842 17,573 8,470 10 8
162. johannes2704 753 17,472 7,970 6 5
163. hi1256789 650 17,261 6,520 1 0
164. Jimnebob 779 17,160 7,790 8 6
165. Pinkman 720 17,104 7,200 2 1
166. Edga 507 17,077 5,070 2 1
167. EBPapaOurs 691 16,995 6,920 5 1
168. Police 715 16,992 7,150 2 1
169. Tasty 608 16,946 6,080 3 2
170. SmokinAce 832 16,886 8,220 13 9
171. GLOVEZ 1 2 3 630 16,882 6,300 9 4
172. M3l10r4 545 16,807 5,450 2 0
173. JuniorShabba 690 16,731 6,900 1 0
174. Zombie Brain 609 16,566 6,220 2 0
175. Captain_Guile 771 16,540 7,710 9 4
176. MbccompanyX 688 16,493 6,880 8 1
177. DeathXIII 547 16,219 5,510 5 2
178. Justin Sane 499 16,214 4,990 1 0
179. BookyNZ 655 16,201 6,570 8 3
180. CanadaDemon 555 16,070 5,550 3 0
181. darKagami 660 16,048 6,600 6 4
182. Skaery 710 15,951 7,100 5 3
183. Vancleef 712 15,859 7,160 6 4
184. Foxpile 751 15,813 7,510 8 4
185. Icemember 671 15,707 7,220 5 2
186. KingCalifornia 659 15,691 6,640 6 4
187. Strelok 553 15,679 5,530 4 0
188. Qohen 602 15,469 6,020 6 4
189. aristo84 813 15,467 8,140 14 1
190. bitemeblinky 670 15,367 6,700 6 3
191. RPS 816 15,324 8,160 14 9
192. Skay 680 15,286 6,860 8 7
193. ahar010 778 15,230 7,800 14 10
194. KardenalBTK 521 15,230 5,210 4 0
195. SkyStarMania 714 15,229 7,150 6 5
196. Lifeforce 629 15,111 6,290 10 5
197. Krephix 461 15,033 4,610 3 2
198. Nenriel 628 14,958 6,280 8 3
199. SunMarjo 574 14,927 5,760 4 3
200. retnara 591 14,925 5,910 3 0
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