Enter the Gungeon Patch 1.0.8

By Austin Phoenix,
Hey everyone,

Pretty big patch today! The biggest change included is a fix for a bug which was preventing ammo crates from spawning for players using the starting guns heavily (thanks /u/asymptotical, /u/Zatherz, and /u/RatchetHero for helping find this!). The problem was with how room clear rewards are calculated, which occurs the moment you kill the last enemy in a room; typically you get a chance at a normal room clear reward (which can be a chest, heart, armor, ammo, etc), and a second chance specifically for an ammo drop. Due to this bug, that separate ammo drop roll wasn't happening if the player was holding an infinite ammo gun... In other words, using starting guns decreased the chance for ammo crates to spawn considerably! Hopefully this fix addresses the issues some have been having with ammo, though we'll continue to watch drop rates over time.

In addition, we added a new scaling mode in the graphics settings called Fast Scaling. This mode is only slightly different from Uniform Scaling, but should perform substantially better on GPU-limited systems. If you've tried to play in Uniform Scaling mode but couldn't due to performance, try Fast Scaling out! Please report any issues with Fast Scaling mode to bugreports@dodgeroll.com.

Patch Notes
-Fixed a bug where holding an infinite ammo gun when the last enemy in a room is killed prevented normal ammo crates from spawning
-Water drums will now always spawn in the room if you've used them before
-Sticky crossbow bolts will no longer damage players when detonated
-Enemies now immediately drop currency when transmogrified
-Orbital items will no longer shoot (secret character unlock)
-Improved performance of the Pilot's past considerably
-Fixed a dungeon generation bug where short hallways could intersect with other rooms
-Fixed a bug where transitioning levels while in a conversation would break player movement (e.g. boss rush elevator)
-Updated input code handling in an effort to resolve multiple controller bugs
-Added the option to display an aim cursor while using a controller
-Coolness's cooldown reduction is now capped at 50%
-Fixed an exploit where some guns could be fired extremely quickly by switching weapons between shots (e.g. the sword Blashphemy)
-Killing mimics in reward rooms no longer has a chance to spawn room clear rewards
-The balloon can no longer attach to dogs or other companions
-Improved one method of traversing the giant pit in the fourth Chamber
-Improved bee performance
-The end-of-floor elevator will now come even if the player is stealthed
-Discount items will now work correctly when acquired by the co-op player
-Changing items while using the grappling hook no longer breaks player movement
-The Dog item is no longer invisible when popping out of chests
-Added a faster uniform scaling graphics option (Fast Scaling)
-Fixed a visual bug with the Lost Adventurer's movement
-Fixed a text issue which displayed "%META_CURRENCY" in some languages
-Fixed a bug which could cause the pause menu to display incorrectly when returning to the Breach
-Fixed multiple bugs caused by dying while inside a minecart
-Fixed a visual bug which could cause the Bullet King to show up as two thrones
-Fixed a problem with the Shopkeeper's dialogue when players enter/leave the shop
-Fixed a typo in the Ammonomicon for the BSG
-Fixed a bug where the Gunsling King could keep adding icons to your minimap
-Glitch chests can no longer spawn in the tutorial
-Players can no longer open the gun select menu while the full map is shown
-Fixed an issue where specific combinations of guns could double all gun capacity
Austin Phoenix
Written by Austin Phoenix
Site Moderator, Walkthrough Manager and Newshound here on TSA. Moderator, Walkthrough Supervisor and Site Help Editor over on TA.

Space Cowboy in my free time.
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