Subnautica Machinery Update Released

By Michelle-Louise Janion,
Subnautica screenshot

A new update for Subnautica has been released! Check out the Machinery Update site for more.

The latest and greatest technology in the world of Subnautica is the Map Scanner room. These rooms can be built on to existing habitats, or can stand alone. Map Scanner rooms will scan the nearby sea floor, searching for a select array of resources. Additionally, there are two exterior cameras that can be piloted remotely. Upgrades bring additional benefits.

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The Cyclops gets a massive technology overhaul. Improvements include better proximity sensors, a hull camera, deeper dives, functioning lockers, and more.

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Bio Reactors and Nuclear Reactors are officially an option. Bio Reactors require plant matter to function, Nuclear Reactors require Radiation Rods. Both must be places in a Multi-Purpose Room.

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Thermal Reactors have been around for a while, but now they look the part. The Machinery Update brings a model to this useful piece of tech.

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The Blood Kelp biome grows with the addition of the Blood Kelp 2 zone. Both Blood Kelp areas will serve as entrances to the Lost River Biome, still in development. In Blood Kelp 2 you will also find a new critter, the Crabsquid. Be careful not to touch it, as it can deliver a nasty attack.

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The floating storage container now functions! Build it and fill it with all your favorite things.

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Creatures will now respawn after being killed by another creature or the player. This feature was in high demand by the players! Thank you for your continued feedback to support the development of Subnautica.

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Want to be notified next time Subnautica receives a big update? Sign up to the Subnautica Mailing List! You can also follow development on Subnautica’s Trello Board. Leave us feedback by pressing F8 in game, and by posting comments below. Thanks for playing, and happy diving!
Michelle-Louise Janion
Written by Michelle-Louise Janion
I tend to favour the puzzle, RPG, action-adventure and strategy genres. My particular favourites over the years have been Final Fantasy IX, Metal Gear Solid, Civilisation V and The Last of Us. I'm also a sucker for a series: Darksiders, Assassin's Creed, Tomb Raider etc.

I am a bit of a lone gamer as I tend to steer clear of PvP, and only play multiplayer with close friends.
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