Nomad 0.55 Patch Notes

By Austin Phoenix,
Nomad received an update today. Here is the complete changelog:

- Fixed helmet slot bug.
- Fixed server admin colour above character head.
- Fixed /spy command for killing.
- Fixed rare bug with premium users not spawning with a shirt.
- Added more variation for clothing items for premium users.
- Free to play users will no longer spawn with a bandage (scrap your clothes to make one).
- New death screen/UI.
- Increased death timer to 45 seconds, up from 15.
- Fixed campfire cooking.
- Grass distance now goes from 100 to 300 (instead of 150 to 500) - turn this down to get more fps.
- Grass density now goes from 0.1 to 1 (instead of 0.3 to 1) - turn this down to get more fps.
- Fixed issue with dying with inventory open.
- Fixed issue with dying on sign editing.
- C4 will no longer damage workbenches through walls.
- New door UI.
- Added server filters to the server menu (browse official/community/locked/all)
- New silenced sniper added, TULA.
- New ammo type added, ammo box .356.
- Bolt can now zoom in more with the scope, to 13 FOV, from 15 FOV.
- Adjusted loot table to make more weapons spawn at police stations, industrial and houses.
Austin Phoenix
Written by Austin Phoenix
Site Moderator, Walkthrough Manager and Newshound here on TSA. Moderator, Walkthrough Supervisor and Site Help Editor over on TA.

Space Cowboy in my free time.
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