Golf With Friends Roadmap

By Rebecca Smith,
Hey all

We felt it would be good to explain what is coming and in what direction we want to take Golf With Friends. So what's to come?


• Haunted house (In development)
• Candy land
• Circus

Other Theme Ideas

• Tundra/Snow
• Medieval
• Dinosaurs!
• Food related
• Cruise ship
• Human anatomy

These Levels may change depending on the community and what themes you want to see in the game, so please let us know!

We would also love to keep adding themes for the level editor and just in general if we get enough support.

Game Modes

• Item collect (collect an item related to the theme to improve scores)
• (Possibly) An arena based game mode
• (Possibly) Races

Have any game mode ideas? Let us know in the suggestions area!


• Ball shapes (Egg, Cube)
• Bouncy balls
• (Possibly) Low Gravity
• Ball sizes
• Collision

Ball Customizations
We want to implement a random unlock system. Possibly a choice of one bag from 3-4 themed bags per match per person.

• Skins, possibly related to themes and rarity (Wood, Sand, Smiley face)
• Trails (Flames, Rainbow)

Have any customization ideas? Let us know in the suggestions area!


• Music, we would like to provide music for each specific theme.
• Sound effects, hole in one and so on need sounds.
• Atmosphere, background music such as running water, wind in trees.

Level editor
I thought I should mention this considering it will be a really cool addition to the game if possible.
What are we planning for the editor?

• Every themed asset the game has (Forest, Candyland), with these assets we want players to be able to create their own masterpieces.
• Terraforming (possibly)
• Terrain painting (Possibly)
• Workshop integration for players to share their maps

PLEASE REMEMBER these are just suggestions and a loose guideline for what content we want in the game, everything here can change or might not be possible, all we wish for is your support and your opinion on what you would like to see in game.

Thanks all!
Rebecca Smith
Written by Rebecca Smith
Rebecca is the Newshound Manager at TrueSteamAchievements, TrueAchievements and TrueTrophies. She has been contributing articles since 2010, especially those that involve intimidatingly long lists. When not writing news, she can usually be found sharpening her very, VERY, pointy grammar stick in anticipation of its imminent use. Outside of TSA, TA and TT, she works in an independent game shop so that she can spend all day talking about games too. At home, with a variety of PCs and consoles on hand from which to choose, starting with a ZX Spectrum, games are never far away there either. However, as you're not supposed to have an unhealthy obsession with just a single subject, she also likes to read and dream about owning her own tribe of minions. She'll occasionally go outside.
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