Echoes Of Aetheria Patch 1.1.2 is Out

By Rebecca Smith,

In addition to several small issues, we've sped up battles some more. It is a slight difference but it feels much better.

Patch notes:
-Slightly faster resolution from player attacks in battles
-Fixed the blue teleporter in Aetherial Manifold repeated
-Integrated assurances that switching parties in the Battle of Enkidu Hill does not result in a black screen bug
-Minor fixes to Battle of Enkidu Hill collision and pathing
-Some enemies in Aetheria Manifold reduced in physical DEF
-Tycoon achievement required gold lowered to 250,000
-Gold Achievements acquisition trigger fixed
-Take a cat nap! achievement acquisition trigger fixed
-Version display added to title screen
-Additional Mouse button mappings added for battle targeting (middle button advances targets, browser buttons cycle targets)
-An alternate save folder will now be created if the original one fails due to non-English locales
Rebecca Smith
Written by Rebecca Smith
Rebecca is the Newshound Manager at TrueSteamAchievements, TrueAchievements and TrueTrophies. She has been contributing articles since 2010, especially those that involve intimidatingly long lists. When not writing news, she can usually be found sharpening her very, VERY, pointy grammar stick in anticipation of its imminent use. Outside of TSA, TA and TT, she works in an independent game shop so that she can spend all day talking about games too. At home, with a variety of PCs and consoles on hand from which to choose, starting with a ZX Spectrum, games are never far away there either. However, as you're not supposed to have an unhealthy obsession with just a single subject, she also likes to read and dream about owning her own tribe of minions. She'll occasionally go outside.
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