What is coming next

By doomful,
After releasing 0.2.7 we've started making the largest feature in our game - city map. Probably some of you remember it from previous versions. That map transformed into a navigation bar at the bottom of the screen. Map was completely removed from game. A lot of improvements been made since that time and recently we started adding more content to a game. We faced a problem of how to visualise different levels, select them, and wrap everything up in a story. And map fits great for it.

In near future we plan to wire up all different levels with a story, each level with its own objective and sub-quests. Player's decisions would strongly affect availability of new levels. Sandbox mode will be still available.

The next feature was frequently requested. It's time control. Now you can speed up or even pause gameplay, to make some decisions.

One more feature that strongly affects gameplay is money storage. In illegal business you work with cash, and you need to store it somehow. Now you have a special room for it.

There are some changes in selling, you'll be able to set product selling priorities, junkies quantity is fixed, you will never get out of them, also each drug affects junkies for different time.

We've spent lots of time implementing those features, it took us more than month to finish. Recently we've received lots of messages with questions like are we still developing game, is it abandoned and so on. That's the answer - no, we're still working and there is no reason for us to abandon it. We have enough resources to finish development and deliver great game. We'd like to thank again all early adopters that supported us.

P.S Update is in testing right now and planned to be released by the end of week.
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