One Way Heroics 16/1/2017 Update

By Michelle-Louise Janion,
Hi All

As some of you may have noticed over the weekend, One Way Heroics and One Way Heroics Plus suddenly started experiencing crashes that could only be solved by turning the Online settings off.

Thank you for reporting this. It would appear that there was an error in setting up the server. It has now been fixed.

Starting a new random world should no longer cause the game to crash.

If you do find it crashing, please let us know.

We hope you keep enjoying OWH/OWH+
Michelle-Louise Janion
Written by Michelle-Louise Janion
I tend to favour the puzzle, RPG, action-adventure and strategy genres. My particular favourites over the years have been Final Fantasy IX, Metal Gear Solid, Civilisation V and The Last of Us. I'm also a sucker for a series: Darksiders, Assassin's Creed, Tomb Raider etc.

I am a bit of a lone gamer as I tend to steer clear of PvP, and only play multiplayer with close friends.
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