TrueSteam Achievement Flags and Submissions

By Jack Watling,
One of our goals here at TrueSteam is to provide you, the community, with as much information as possible to assist with unlocking achievements. Achievement flags are designed with this in mind and give you some key information about an achievement's requirements at a glance.

Flag Examples

Lambda Locator
The achievement Lambda Locator in Half-Life 2 has the Offline Game Mode, Single Player, and Collectable flags applied - indicating that it is an achievement tied to a single player mode and involves finding and collecting (or interacting) with unique items in the environment.

CL0WNED achievement
The achievement CL0WND in Left 4 Dead 2 has the Online/Offline Game Mode, Single Player Co-operative and Versus, and Cumulative + flags applied - indicating that it is an achievement that can be unlocked both online and offline, in single player, co-operative or versus game modes, and requires repetition of an action, or set of actions, over time.

You can find a full list of all of the achievement flags and their definitions here.

Flag Filter

You can see the flags assigned to an achievement either on the game or achievement pages and via the "View" filter on the former you can quickly filter the achievements down to just those with specific flags applied. Making your achievement hunting even more efficient!

Submitting Flags

Being a community driven site, we also have a submission system which you can use to suggest entire sets of flags for a game's achievements or suggest updates if you spot something that needs tweaking.

This submission system is accessible via the "Submit game information" button in the "Game" drop down underneath the game image on game pages - and it is all live now, so feel free to start submitting now!
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