Another Small Patch for Spirits of Xanadu

By Austin Phoenix,
This patch addresses the frequently occuring "white flash" that is accompanied by a high pitched ear ringing noise. It's supposed to happen at specific moments, but an oversight on my part caused it to trigger when it shouldn't.

In addition:
- Updated the game to the latest version of Unity.
- Adjusted the lighting, lower contrast in darker areas.
- A few minor shader adjustments and bug fixes.
- Adjustment to the "max queued frames" setting in an attempt to improve FPS on those with weaker CPUs. This potential fix is for DX9/DX11 only, other platforms are out of luck (sorry).

If any issues arise, the previous stable version is always available, just go into properties and go to the beta tab and opt into the "previous_stable" version.

Don't hesitate to post any issues you find in the forums, be sure to include system specs and the output_log.txt file, which you can find here (scroll down to "Player"):

Thanks again for all your support, kind comments, and constructive criticism. I can't wait to show you our next game. How about a sneak peak: here!
Austin Phoenix
Written by Austin Phoenix
Site Moderator, Walkthrough Manager and Newshound here on TSA. Moderator, Walkthrough Supervisor and Site Help Editor over on TA.

Space Cowboy in my free time.
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