Gamer by TrueSteamAchievement Ratio









Gamer by TrueSteamAchievement Ratio Leaderboard
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Pos Gamer TSA Ratio
40,301 TheThrashPanda_ TheThrashPanda_ 1.4595
40,302 NathanNotAlan NathanNotAlan 1.4595
40,303 Spookalina Spookalina 1.4595
40,304 zxckv zxckv 1.4595
40,305 Nintendy Nintendy 1.4594
40,306 gund04 gund04 1.4594
40,307 JoeZump JoeZump 1.4594
40,308 zarmartiaux zarmartiaux手加減はしねぇ 死にてぇ奴だけ 掛かって来い! 1.4594
40,309 S3cr3T S3cr3T 1.4594
40,310 mosiako mosiako 1.4594
40,311 EnvyRu EnvyRu 1.4594
40,312 Humusolo Humusolo 1.4594
40,313 Consanit Consanit 1.4594
40,314 DraakjeYoblama DraakjeYoblama 1.4594
40,315 Spicy Fisky Spicy Fisky 1.4594
40,316 dazedxred dazedxred 1.4594
40,317 alexandre_cp alexandre_cp 1.4594
40,318 Janainc Janainc 1.4594
40,319 1cornetto 1cornetto 1.4594
40,320 Plecko Plecko 1.4593
40,321 Dead But Delicious Dead But Delicious 1.4593
40,322 Stripy Stripy 1.4593
40,323 bera bera 1.4593
40,324 Afloplouf Afloplouf 1.4593
40,325 The Only Trout The Only Trout 1.4593
40,326 LigtusEnd LigtusEnd 1.4593
40,327 dragondeth dragondeth 1.4593
40,328 TheGoatSanchez TheGoatSanchez 1.4593
40,329 Pinguin4meonly Pinguin4meonly 1.4593
40,330 pasketti pasketti 1.4593
40,331 Pate-82 Pate-82 1.4592
40,332 Pemguin76 Pemguin76 1.4592
40,333 Lulu Lulu 1.4592
40,334 moo_uk moo_uk 1.4592
40,335 ReveLuv ReveLuv 1.4592
40,336 superkai64 superkai64 1.4592
40,337 Kenny Dizzle Kenny Dizzle 1.4592
40,338 Loki2975 Loki2975 1.4592
40,339 cccaatttsss cccaatttsss 1.4592
40,340 B4SSH34D B4SSH34D 1.4591
40,341 pelepa pelepa 1.4591
40,342 kazper kazper 1.4591
40,343 YueOrigin YueOrigin 1.4591
40,344 Ovee Ovee 1.4591
40,345 Maiskiiy Maiskiiy 1.4591
40,346 sofitrixx sofitrixx 1.4591
40,347 GreatDanchik GreatDanchik 1.4591
40,348 IJoshFordI IJoshFordI 1.4590
40,349 Kombuse Kombuse 1.4590
40,350 TombKing TombKing 1.4590
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