Edson Mota's Gamer Goals

Achievements Won

A Total of 500 Achievements Won

An increase of 436

Created by Edson Mota on 10 December 2016

  • 64 Goal progress - 211 (33.7%) 500
Completed Games

A Completed Games count of 10

An increase of 9

Created by Edson Mota on 10 December 2016 | This goal includes owned DLC

  • 1 Goal progress - 1 (0%) 10

Completed Goals


A TrueSteamAchievement score of 5,000

An increase of 4,169

Created by Edson Mota on 10 December 2016 | Edson Mota reached the target on 19 May 2021

  • 831 Goal progress - 5,068 (100%) 5,000
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