Paranormal Teens Reviews

  • transyotransyo23,884
    22 Aug 2017
    0 0 0
    From Visual Wordplay, and developer Godline, comes Paranormal Teens; a free to play indie casual novel.

    What happens when you put together a team of a conspiracy theorist, a demonologist, a psychic, an abductee, a Voodoo Queen, a paranormal investigator, and a psychologist in training? You get Paranormal Teens, a one time television show. However, if you mess with the supernatural, chances are, it’s going to mess back.

    This seemed like it was going to be a really good game when I first downloaded it, and the first play through of it. However, very quickly, this became very repetitive. Save files would not work whatsoever for me, so in order to complete the achievement aspect of the game, I had to go through the game ten times; with the bug of the game closing after every route and crashing when you tried to open it again, I lost interest very quickly.

    The characters in this are very dull, and their designs are relatively boring. The soundtrack isn’t that amazing, and the story line was just… rather uninteresting. I honestly have nothing positive to say about this game. I really wish it was so much better than it was; this had a lot of potential, but Visual Wordplay just didn’t live up to it.

    There are plenty of better games to play in the novel section of Steam, and I would recommend them a lot more than I recommend this. Frankly, I just wouldn’t recommend this at all. I’m just grateful to be done with it, and get if off of my computer. Definitely a game I’m going to be looking forward to forgetting about.
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