Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair Reviews

  • missiloonmissiloon411,181
    01 Dec 2019 01 Dec 2019
    1 0 0
    Game info:
    This sequel to Yooka-Laylee is amazing! It is a different type of game than the first game, it is a 2,5d platformer instead of a 3d world. The story has a short reference to the first game, but it is totally fine to start the series with this game.

    Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair has an overworld in which you'll find a lot of secrets but also find teleporters to the levels. In each level, there are 5 T.W.I.T. coins which are mostly hidden, a lot of quills and a Bee. You'll need all of those to progress through the game. T.W.I.T coins are used to unlock new levels, Quills to buy tonics and The bees protect you through the final level, which you can access directly at the start of the game. To make things even more interesting, ever level has an alternate state, in which you'll play the same level, but because something changed it feels like a new level. This can be because all the water in a level became frozen, or because the level constantly spawns enemies or stuff like that.

    It not only has a lot of interesting levels, the artwork is as superb as it was in the first game. I really love this style and I love the characters. It is nice to see all the main characters from the first game back into this sequel.

    Achievements info:
    The achievements are very straight forward and what you would expect in a 2,5d platformer game. You have to collect all the TWIT coins, but there are already good guides for those. Rescue all the bees and get all the tonics. It takes around 17-20h to complete this game.

    Pros & cons:
    + Fun 2,5d platformer
    + Amazing graphics
    + Funny twist how the levels change when you switch to the alternate state

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