Virtual Aquarium - Overlay Desktop Game Reviews

  • FeralFaelienFeralFaelien102,455
    22 Jul 2023
    0 0 0
    /18/2023 I reinstalled, and the whole thing is still busted in all of the same ways. I started threads like asked by the developer but none of them ever got any replies. Whole thing stinks and yet they've been able to make 5 DLCs when they were ignoringceveryone's issues. I recommend noting all the discussions are stories similar to mine.

    5/28/2022 finally uninstalled, the game will NOT stop opening when i turn on my pc, and when I try to use the menu to fix it, the menu screen goes away and the bubbles stay on screen and the thing freezes. not to mention i still cant get my fish to show up. Officially giving up on this overlay for good.

    182 hour, post April 2, 2022 Update- The fish die faster, so if you want to leave this up like an overlay instead of a game, you'll also have to pay much more attention which is kind of the opposite of having it be an overlay instead of a game. Not only that, but if you use F2 to hide the game and bring it back up the issue with the fish not showing up is still there. Not to mention, they keep releasing PAID DLC for a game that barely runs. The day I downloaded I had 50 fish and the achievement STILL HASN'T POPPED. I just got the 30 fish achievements yesterday, which upped my actual total number to over 80. The main time we hear from people working on the game is right after an update when they finally answer pre-update questions, not a lot of reassurance as it seems like they're just doing it for DLC money.

    I started playing a day before the last update. The first day I did enough to qualify for three badges and it was days later before they showed up, and after the update the game has run significantly worse. Before it would fill my computer screen and everything rendered nicely, though the scale of the fish made it hard to actually do anything on my PC. Now, though they no longer crowd my screen, they hardly show up! I get poorly rendered bubbles at the top of my screen. They show up about 1/3 tries of rebooting and when they do show up they're blurry and pixelated, and they only hover in a box in the center of my screen. It went from mediocre to really bad in less than 100 hours. The pixelation is SO BAD now at hour 67.4 in fact that I cant even read anything in the setting to see if I can fix it myself, blindly toggling things genuinely changed nothing. I've also deleted fish and afterwards haven't been able to make new ones? I've tried taking screenshots of the issue, however it always hides the overlay so it just looks like my desktop plain. Maddening.

    the only reason i haven't uninstalled it is to get the achievements IF things gets fixed.

    7/21/2023 Update: I haven't opened the game since 2022 but today, out of the blue, all the rest of the achievements popped on my account. I didn't open it probably never will again so i have no idea what prompted it, but yeah. this application is a lazy cash grab that makes no sense both in and outside of its' interface
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