The first entry in an RPGMaker series by Pilgrim Adventures, Space Pilgrim Episode I: Alpha Centauri is based around Captain Gail Pilgrim and her three passangers. Aboard the spaceship Quicksilver, it seems like another routine trip to another planet, but things quickly go awry when the vessel becomes hijacked by an unknown source. The game is split up into three chapters, and a short prologue, and in total the game will last you about an hour.
Despite being both short and the first title of the series, Alpha Centauri does a wonderful job of holding the attention of the gamer through an engaging, detailed story. The dialogue is very well written, and each event that happens keeps you wanting to play and delve into the mystery even further. The graphics are nothing remarkable, and you will be visiting the same areas frequently in order to solve easy puzzles; although the settings do change through each chapter. The small soundtrack is equally captivating, and it sets an isolated atmosphere that is generally associated with space.
If you're considering picking up Pilgrim Episode I: Alpha Centauri, do yourself a favor and go ahead and indulge in the bundle that contains all four currently released episodes. This one will leave you wanting more of the story, and unlike other episodic games, it actually gives more than a simple brief set-up of the plot; you'll actually feel like you've accomplished something relevant to the story once you've finished the game. The good news is, is that Pilgrim Adventures is very active with this series, and more episodes can be expected in the future.
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