Smart Factory Tycoon Reviews

  • missiloonmissiloon409,324
    26 Mar 2022
    0 0 0
    Approximate amount of time to 100%: Around 11h when mostly playing on 10x speed
    Estimated achievement difficulty: 2/10
    Minimum number of playthroughs needed: 1
    Is there a good guide available: I wrote the following achievement guide
    Multiplayer achievements: No
    Missable achievements: No
    Grinding Achievements: Not really. The 365 days might take a while, but you also might need that time to complete 100 special orders.
    DLC-Only achievements: No
    Speedrun achievements: No
    Time-gated achievements: No
    RNG-achievements: No
    Does difficulty affect achievements: No difficulty option
    Unobtainable/glitched achievements: No

    Smart Factory Tycoon is a fun and addictive management game in which you will produce toys and try to make a profit to keep your factory running. I will say that it is important to start small ( like only 2 robots, 1 charger, and 1 lubricator, ignore the warnings that those are in use for a long time, as those few seconds waiting time don't weigh up against the costs of having running a second machine. Also only have the production machines you need). Produce small amounts so you keep completing the orders within that market cycle because the price might go down in the next cycle and then you have less profit. I would suggest start using connectors very early on in the game, as they help out a lot. Those connectors don't have to be placed within the same room as the machinery. (I had a room in the back with only connectors).

    Another tip might be to first update the moving speed of your robots. I found that the most important one as it has to move all the time. After maxing out the movement skill, I did update mostly the battery and gas tank thingies so they don't need to make fewer trips to the robot room. And the last tip is don't work on too many contracts at the same time.. your robots are clearly procrastinators, they like to start on new projects but don't finish old ones if you give them the choice, so don't give them a new project until they are almost finished.

    I enjoyed Smart Factory Tycoon a lot. In the first minutes, it might look boring, but I found that it got addictive to make products as fast as possible, just try to squeeze a short contract in and finish it before a new market cycle arrived.

    The achievements in Smart Factory Tycoon are very straightforward. there is one for going bankrupt, that is easiest in a new save where you buy all kinds of machinery and then wait till you hit the -5k. The most achievements are for doing special orders, surviving a year, and getting all the upgrades. For those upgrade achievements, you can just save your skill points (like 10 or so) save the game and then spend them to get the achievements and reload your save to spend the points on other upgrades. If you would want to unlock them without this cheap trick you're in for the long run as the higher levels require so much experience. I think on day 365 I was over level 50 but didn't have half of the upgrades. Speaking about experience points, you get the most from using a high amount of plastic. I did always go for as high as possible.

    I hope you found my review useful. If you don't mind helping me out, consider following my curator page, thank you!
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