1. Red String of Fate Walkthrough overview

Red String of Fate is a game that was developed by Ebullience Games and published by Top Hat Studios Inc. Released in 2017, this is a free to play, anime visual novel otome about love, fate and life. You play as Valerie, a college student who has the ability to see people's red strings of fate - the strings that connect them to their soul mates. For Valerie, her own string is so faint, it means her soul mate doesn't exist, or is far across the world. She wants to travel the world, see if she can find her soulmate - but there's a catch.

Her two friends, Aaron and Luke. What's a girl to do when she knows Aaron likes her, but she finds she slightly likes Luke?

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This walk through will show you what options to choose on all four routes that Valerie can choose to take in order to get achievements and to take control of her own fate.

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