Picklock Reviews

  • missiloonmissiloon417,447
    30 May 2020 30 May 2020
    0 0 0

    It is a rainy evening. Your job doesn't pay well. On your way home, you pass the very expensive stores with items you could only afford when you were doing less honest work. Finally you arrive home, which looks even worse than your mood. There's no desk, stuff is everywhere. Then it hits you that you will go back to your old ways, at being a pro thief.

    This game is very fun, you have to rob all kinds of places while staying hidden from people that run around the property. At the start of the game, you have a drone and will be on your way to the neighbors' house, this mission is easy because you know where they hide their key plus they are on vacation. There is no real danger and it serves as a nice way to learn the controls. The drone will tell you where all the expensive stuff is hidden--if you count their child's stuffed animals as expensive :P.

    The game has a total of 13 missions, and you'll improve your tools and unlock new ones. Every mission takes place in a totally new property in which you'll have to find your way around. It gets more complicated in later levels with guards, cameras and alarms. You can first take a good look at all the walking patterns the guards have to plan your route if you wish. As for me, I went barging in and figure it out by trial and error.

    Approximate amount of time to 100%: 6h
    Estimated achievement difficulty: 2/10
    Minimum number of playthroughs needed: 1
    Has it been in a bundle: No
    Is there a good guide available: No, but you don't need a guide
    How many people have completed this game at the time I'm writing this review: 1 on Astats

    Multiplayer achievements: No
    Missable achievements: not really, there is level selection, so you can always go back
    Grinding Achievements: No
    DLC-Only achievements: No
    Time-gated achievements: No
    RNG-achievements: No
    Does difficulty affect achievements: No difficulty option
    Unobtainable/glitched achievements: No

    If you want to go for the achievements, be on the watch in every level for toilet paper. Most of them have at least one toilet paper, some don't have any, and 1 or 2 levels have more. There are also achievements for getting everything on a level, so try to complete each level 100% while you're at it so you don't have to replay them.

    This game has very basic controls, which is a good thing. You'll play this game with a mouse and keyboard. You'll use E for using your drone and WASD for moving the camera. All the other controls like moving yourself or rotating the camera you'll do with your mouse.

    The graphics gave me a feeling of old lego sets from '80s or early '90s, not the very colorful stuff you see in lego sets these days. I like this look and it made the game stand out on the Steam store from me. It is not a common presentation that we see every day.

    Music & Sounds
    The music is very LOUD. Every time I started the game I had to turn down my volume. I'm not sure if it resets to normal every time, or that it was just me who wasn't prepared for the loud jazz music. After adjusting the music to the right volume it was fine. Nothing special but especially not noticeable during the game, which I don't mind, in this game the focus shouldn't be the music, but the gameplay.

    The sound effects were very good. You know when your character is done breaking open a lock or turning off an alarm.

    The base price of this game is $7,99/€7,19/£5.79. Which seems fair for a game that takes around 6h or more for completion.

    I really did enjoy Picklock. Its graphics we don't see daily, with easy to learn gameplay that presents some challenges in later levels. I hope they will make this into a series in some sort of way because I would love to play a sequel.

    Score: 8/10

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