Paranormal State: Poison Spring Reviews

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    Paranormal State - Poison Spring isn't a terrible hidden object adventure but it could definitely have been done better if the right people were involved. The story telling and voice acting are complete write-offs and often the gamer will find themselves pushing through just to get to the next hidden object puzzle.

    There are odd times when you get to use the 'ghost hunting' equipment such as the EMF Meter and Thermal Cam, but only a couple of times each during the longevity of the game. There's also a bonus mission unlocked upon completion of the main story, but personally I couldn't be bothered to complete it. It would've also been a hell of a lot better if the cast members actually played their own rolls in the game, but that may have been too big budget for an indie release.

    Considering that this game was only released in the late quarter of 2013 and I just got it in an Indie Gala bundle that came with six other games for $2.00 USD, that should tell you how popular this title is. It's a tough call for the current price, as the artists did put a lot of attention to detail in the landscapes and puzzles, but the rest of the game is dreary and would see $9.99 USD as an overpriced 'pay for the brand' purchase.

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