Game action
Pale Echoes


12 Dec 15
6h 42m

Pale Echoes Achievements

Here is the full list of all 25 Pale Echoes achievements.

  • Gemologist

    Earn the happy ending. -- "Also, you passed the test, so yay!"

    13 December 2015 - Add a guide
  • Duelist

    Defeat the strongest of foes, proving mastery as a saeren. -- "That makes you pretty much the guardian of the world now."

    13 December 2015 - Add a guide
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  • Optimist

    Complete the game for the first time by purifying the Heartless Echo. -- "... Thank you, my friend."

    12 December 2015 - Add a guide
  • Memorialist

    Collect every recruitable memory. -- "Looks like you're just going to have to make do without me, I'm afraid."

    12 December 2015 - Add a guide
  • Completionist

    Reach 100% Completion. -- "Perfect knowledge opens the door."

    12 December 2015 - Add a guide
  • Escapist

    Travel through all of Spinel's windows. -- "I always enjoy coming here."

    12 December 2015 - Add a guide
  • Anarchist

    Discover the dark secret that the quartermaster keeps hidden away. -- "Some things are best left alone."

    12 December 2015 - Add a guide
  • Conversationalist

    Talk to every non-recruitable memory. -- "It's a fine day today."

    12 December 2015 - Add a guide
  • Archivist

    Collect every lexicon entry. -- "The cat doesn't seem to care."

    12 December 2015 - Add a guide
  • Pragmatist

    Deliberately abandon a purification. -- "Remember, you can fail a purification as much as you want without consequence."

    12 December 2015 - Add a guide
  • Artist

    Purify every area visible on the Overworld Map. -- "This is how a saerii cleans up a mess like this!"

    12 December 2015 - Add a guide
  • Specialist

    Learn all of Schorl's weapon lore abilities. -- "A bit crude, but undeniably effective."

    12 December 2015 - Add a guide
  • Idealist

    Complete the Egress Archipelago by purifying the Indignant Echo. -- "Whatever happens, you and I will find a way to fix this."

    12 December 2015 - Add a guide
  • Realist

    Complete the town of Obelisk by purifying the Forlorn Echo. -- "It's difficult to hate some humans when I see how hard they fought."

    12 December 2015 - Add a guide
  • Pessimist

    Complete the Alcove Memorial Site by purifying the Malicious Echo. -- "Another day, another human mess to clean up."

    12 December 2015 - Add a guide
  • Excursionist

    Locate a place in the world of memories that even Spinel can't reconstruct. -- "There's... nothing here?"

    12 December 2015 - Add a guide
  • Strategist

    Read through all of Spinel's helpful tutorials, tips, and tricks. -- "We don't want a repeat of the last time you forgot."

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  • Pacifist

    Waste a turn by using four consecutive Geomancy and Link abilities. -- "... This isn't getting us anywhere!"

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  • Elitist

    Infuse all 12 of the class D memories. -- "Well, if we're lucky, we should be able to find some replacements on the other side."

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  • Trivialist

    Read all of the Dev Commentary. -- "Have I become some kind of collectable item, myself?"

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  • Purist

    Use Legacy Music mode at least once. -- "It reminds me a lot of my home..."

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  • Illusionist

    Use Memory Mimicry mode at least once. -- "At least you can control memories competently."

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  • Enthusiast

    Complete the game at least once in Plus Mode. -- "This isn't the end... okay?"

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  • Perfectionist

    Complete the game at least once in Perfection Mode. -- "You... you're not human, are you?"

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  • Sentimentalist

    Catch up with old friends. -- "Perhaps life isn't always as predictable as it seems."

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