Game action
Murders on the Yangtze River


02 Apr 24
21h 28m

Murders on the Yangtze River Achievements

Here is the full list of all 47 Murders on the Yangtze River achievements.

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  • Otherworldly Officer

    A cat officer painting that seems out of this era.(Attracted by the cat painting while sneaking)

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  • Quick Thinker

    Quick reactions leave others struggling to keep up with my logic!(Choosing Wen Ko-hsin when presenting evidence on "Who else should the witness have seen?")

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  • Dang Dang!

    The dang dang bus is so cool!(Taking six different Dang-Dang tram routes)

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  • Cat Commands Respect

    A cat with a fiery temper!(Wen Ko-hsin repeatedly touching the cat and getting scratched)

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  • Cat's Claws

    "Tiny Cat, Mighty Act, Firing Gun, a Fearsome Fact"(Choosing "Mr. Ginger" for the bullet casing fingerprint evidence)

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