Moving Out 2 Reviews

  • missiloonmissiloon419,132
    15 Aug 2023
    0 0 0
    Approximate amount of time to 100%: 20h without using a guide to know the level objectives before playing each level
    Estimated achievement difficulty: 3/10 met assist mode on, otherwise a whole lot higher
    Minimum number of playthroughs needed: 1 + replaying levels for level objectives and collectibles
    Is there a good guide available: Yes, Powerpyx has made a guide for the level objective and one for the collectibles
    Multiplayer achievements: No, can be done single-player with assist mode on.
    Missable achievements: No, there is level selection
    Grinding Achievements: Not really, but doing all the objectives can feel as a grind
    DLC-Only achievements: No
    Speedrun achievements: Yes, but within the assist options you can choose to have more time
    Time-gated achievements: No
    RNG-achievements: No
    Does difficulty affect achievements: No, everything unlocks with assist mode on
    Unobtainable/glitched achievements: No

    Moving Out 2 is a great sequel after the first game was already an awesome game. It plays a bit like Overcooked, with chaotic levels and so much fun in multiplayer. However, Moving Out 2 can be played in single-player because they have assist options in the game so you can carry items alone which you normally have to carry with 2 people.

    You can find 4 kinds of worlds in this game, the normal world and 3 worlds with a specific theme. It is amazing how much they added to the game and how creative they were with making each level. Don't just play the basic world and think this will become boring soon, as things will change in later levels. The craziness gets really crazy.

    One of the few downsides of Moving Out 2 is that it can become tedious if you play this game too much in a short amount of time. I became something annoyed with a level design or objective when playing for too long. When I took a break and came back later to the game, it didn't feel that tedious anymore and I could see the logic more clearly. So take your time playing through the 57 levels, so you don't burn out on the principle of the game.

    The achievements aren't hard, they are mostly for just finding all the collectibles and finishing every objective. Each level has 2 time objectives and 3 other objectives. You can make the objectives easier by changing things in the assist settings. You can pick and choose which things you want to make easier and decided the right difficulty for you (and your friends) that way. which I highly appreciate. Another thing you can do to really speed up the completion time is to look at the objectives of each level beforehand using the guide by Powerpyx that I liked above. The game will only reveal them after finishing the level for the first time, but if you do them in your first try you will unlock them already and have less to do when replaying the levels for the second time, or maybe already have them all in one try.

    I really enjoyed my time with Moving Out 2 a lot and I'm very happy they don't have achievements this time for flushing all the toilets without having a way to track if you did that on each level. I'm also glad that it is totally possible to play Moving Out 2 as a singleplayer. This was already possible in the first entry but isn't always the case with this type of games.

    I hope you found my review useful. If you don't mind helping me out, consider following my curator page, thank you!
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