Mirt: Tales of the Cold Land Reviews

  • transyotransyo23,072
    10 Sep 2017
    2 0 0
    Released in May, 2017, Mirt. Tales of the Cold Land Chapter One was developed by Emanon Studios and published by RuVN.

    Mirt is a small town, lost in the northern valleys and welcoming to none. Everything seems to be frozen, even time itself; as a newcomer, you must become accustomed to the difficulties the town presents, and the history of Mirt, small but full of dark secrets.

    This is a game I have been following for a while, and I’m so happy to see an English chapter for it, and very eagerly downloaded it the other night to play shortly. After completing it tonight, I am utterly thrilled.

    First of all – the character designs are absolutely impeccable, they’re done really well, and look brilliant. The story line is fascinating, gripping, and keeps you hooked no matter what. The soundtrack is well done and really fits with the feel of the visual novel; and lets not forget how real the characters feel. They’re true to life, and I feel like I could meet them on the street one day. Emanon Studios has done amazingly with this.

    I would definitely recommend this, and I cannot wait for the other chapter(s) to be released. It’s going to be an amazing ride.
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