Game action
Make Me LAG


23 Aug 20
23 Aug 20

Make Me LAG Achievements

Here is the full list of all 5 Make Me LAG achievements. It takes around 0-1 hour to unlock all of the achievements on Windows.

  • We warned you

    You suffered the right punishment for being a dirty cheater!

    23 August 2020 - 1 guide
  • Defeat the Kraken

    Congratulations, you are our saviour! Our world is saved, thanks to the power of your lag!

    23 August 2020 - 1 guide
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  • Defeat the Dragon

    Incredible! Even the Red Dragon couldn't resist all that lag! Push on warrior you can do it!

    23 August 2020 - 1 guide
  • Defeat the Golem

    Oh mighty warrior, you defeated the Golem! But this is just the first step, more tremendous enemies awaits ahead!

    23 August 2020 - 1 guide
  • Such power!

    Such blinding power! You reached 1 FPS! You are so strong that time seems to have stopped!

    23 August 2020 - 1 guide
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