Mail Time Reviews

  • missiloonmissiloon420,314
    28 Apr 2023
    0 0 0
    Approximate amount of time to 100%: 4h
    Estimated achievement difficulty: 1/10
    Minimum number of playthroughs needed: 1
    Is there a good guide available: No, but you don't need a guide
    Multiplayer achievements: No
    Missable achievements: Yes, almost all of them are because after the ending you can't go back. So if you are in a snowy area and have still other unfinished business, go back while you can!
    Grinding Achievements: Not really, the 15 minutes gliding feels a bit long but easily doable
    DLC-Only achievements: No
    Speedrun achievements: Only 1 that is for delivering mail within 30 seconds, but can be easily done at the start of the game or later on when going from the "upstairs neighbors" back to the person you originally came from, as it is just a jump down
    Time-gated achievements: No
    RNG-achievements: No
    Does difficulty affect achievements: No difficulty option
    Unobtainable/glitched achievements: Sadly at this moment yes, but I know the developer is working so hard on fixing the bugs that were found, so I hope to be able to change this review very soon.

    I write this review with conflicting feelings. on one side: Man I love this game, it is awesome, it is great, it is just so cute and wholesome with a lot of humor! On the other side, there are some bugs that can break the game, and some achievements are currently bugged. I hope those get fixed soon so I can play through the game again and update this review, because again... It is awesome and great! I know the solo developer is hardly working on all this stuff, so I totally believe it will be ironed out in a short amount of time.

    After that side note above... let's start with the real review:
    In Mail Time you play as a mail scout on their first job. Before you start you get quite some options for designing your main character, which was already so sweet. And when the game starts you're very soon on your way to delivering your first mail. The game drips with humor and cuteness right from the start! I loved to just go to high places to just look around this beautiful world, as well as to glide down.

    Mail Time is an adventure game that doesn't give you any time limit, you can just enjoy the game, take your time to look around, and explore the woods. So it is stress-free, which is a bonus in wholesome games. You have to deliver mail to multiple animals that live here.. and maybe not only mail but also some other stuff. You'll get to know the animals and their storyline even in the short interactions you'll have with them. I would recommend reading the dialog, as it is full of funny punchlines and asking questions of general conceptions. And I won't spoil the story but let me tell you that it has an important and wholesome message. So play Mail time and get soaked in cuteness and wholesomeness!

    As mentioned above, there are some bugs, and some are quite game-breaking. What is not a bug but I read a lot of people have trouble with so I hope it gets changed, is that the game always starts with the option "new game" selected and there is no confirmation after selecting that that it will throw away your save file. I hope this gets changed soon. Why would the game start with that highlighted and not "continue" when it becomes available? But more importantly, warn the player before the save file gets deleted.

    The game has a nice list of achievements and can be found inside the game as well, including the progress you made toward them. At this moment there are some achievements broken, and the weird thing is that some are only broken for some and not for others. For example, I got the achievement "Next Day Delivery" while others haven't been able to get that. But for me, the one to deliver mail in 30 seconds (which I did after the next day delivery) doesn't unlock. I know that the solo developer was working hard just before the release to implement the achievements, as it wasn't sure they would be there on time and I'm also quite sure they will get fixed.

    Mail Time has a very nice achievement list, and it comes down to just completing everything there is. You can't go back after finishing the game, so almost all of them are missable. But there is an NPC that warns you about this. In general.. if you entered a snowy area but still have other things left to do then why you did come to that area, turn around and go back and finish those things first.

    Overall, I highly recommend this game very highly for those that don't care much about achievements and side quests at this moment, if you do, just give it a few days before starting to play so the developer can fix the current issues. Keep an eye on the Steam forums and Discord for more information. It is one of the best games I've played this year.

    I hope you found my review useful. If you don't mind helping me out, consider following my curator page, thank you!
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