Lost in Secular Love Demo Reviews

  • transyotransyo23,097
    25 Aug 2017
    0 0 0
    From YETU GAME comes Lost in Secular Love. Released in late 2016, this is a visual novel about romancing monks.

    I didn’t know what to expect from this game, but the idea of romanticising monks caught my attention and I had to give it a go. I wasn’t willing to spend £6.99 straight away on the game, so I decided to try the demo first.

    Unfortunately, the demo just really doesn’t seem at all enticing. After playing through it, I really don’t want to buy the full game, which is rather aggravating. Even with all the positive reviews that sound like I will really enjoy it, the demo itself has put me off. Isn’t the idea of a demo to make the player want to play the full game.

    If you want to play this game, I would highly recommend just buying the game straight away. I really wouldn’t recommend the demo to anyone.