Lemon Cake Reviews

  • Admiral PewPewAdmiral PewPew192,651
    09 Oct 2022
    0 0 0
    Lemon Cake (3 stars out of 5)

    Brief synopsis of story: You get to run a bakery. It's basically just three screens (plus your bedroom but not much happens in that room). You have the storefront where customers order or buy your goods that are sitting out, the kitchen where you can cook and mix your ingredients, and finally the "farm" where you can clean your few animals and water/harvest your plants. You set your menu everyday and cook those items. A fun game that you can completely zone out while playing.

    Pros: you can upgrade your shop which makes the annoying tasks like cleaning auto taken care of. You can also upgrade your bedroom to adopt pets. This game did scratch the itch I had for a management game.

    Cons: the control or movement feel a little floaty.

    Achievement total: 17
    Total hours played: 23.5

    Tips for any achievements:
    All the achievements are straightforward. You will need to grind for the last make X amount of dollars. You can upgrade everything and still not have that achievement.
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