Katy & Bob: Cake Café Reviews

  • missiloonmissiloon419,729
    03 Mar 2021 03 Mar 2021
    0 0 0
    Approximate amount of time to 100%: 5,5h+
    Estimated achievement difficulty: 3/10
    Minimum number of playthroughs needed: 1
    Has it been in a bundle: No
    Is there a good guide available: You don't need a guide
    How many people have completed this game at the time I'm writing this review: 19 on Astats

    Multiplayer achievements: No
    Missable achievements: No
    Grinding Achievements: No
    DLC-Only achievements: No
    Time-gated achievements: No
    RNG-achievements: No
    Does difficulty affect achievements: No difficulty option
    Unobtainable/glitched achievements: No

    I wanted to play a time management game where you have to fulfill orders, this is the type of time management game I enjoy the most and since I enjoyed the first 2 titles in the Kate & Bob series, I decided to give this third one a try.

    This third one is a little bit harder than the other two in the series because you have achievements to get the expert score on each level. This sounds harder than it was. Mostly because you can go on and come later back to the levels you weren't able to get it the first time. By going back you keep the upgrades you bought and have the artifacts to help out a little bit as well. I was a bit afraid after seeing those achievements for expert.. because of the "developer records" achievements in the 12 labours of Hercules games, but this wasn't bad at all. I only had to replay 1 level, all the others I managed to get the expert record in one try.

    Very soon in the game, you'll also get a goal in each level which also are tied to achievements. I always did the goal with the first set of 5 customers to get it out of the way. It seems that the further the level progresses, the fewer customers will be there at once, which makes most of those goals harder, so I would recommend just focus on it at the start of each level.

    I really did enjoy the game, it doesn't do anything special or innovative, but it still is so much fun and I love just hunting achievements in this type of time management game. The only negative I can say is that there is a small mini-game, which you will encounter like 5 times or so during your playthrough that sucks and is later on a bit buggy. The good news is, you don't need to play it or doing good in it. You can just ignore it and still will be able to get all the achievements. I've sent a video to the developer and publisher to show that it is buggy, so it might get fixed, but it is already an older game, so I don't expect it fixed anytime soon. If you don't enjoy it, just skip the mini-game :D

    I hope there will come more games in the Katy & Bob series since I enjoy this type of time management so much, and it doesn't seem to get as many entries as the type where you have to clear the road.
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