Game action


20 Sep 17
21 Sep 17
13h 20m

ICEY Achievements

Here is the full list of all 34 ICEY achievements. It takes around 4-5 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Windows.

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  • Dahal's Pain

    Defeat DahalOnly in a virtual world is such a thing possible... To mix two beings' memories... Because of this, Dahal short-circuited.

    20 September 2017 - Add a guide
  • Ideon's Resignation

    Defeat IdeonIdeon's self was slowly destroyed through the process of never-ending reincarnation, leaving him even more vulnerable to Judas' manipulation.

    20 September 2017 - Add a guide
  • Carlos' Ambitions

    Defeat CarlosCarlos was fed up with the constant sacrifice of his self in each reincarnation. His solution? Kill and replace the Chosen One.

    20 September 2017 - Add a guide
  • Parker's Lost Heart

    Defeat ParkerParker, betrayed by Judas, retreated with no conscience to the dark corners of the metro.

    20 September 2017 - Add a guide
  • Thor's Loyalty

    Defeat ThorThor understood Judas' ultimate goal, and paid the ultimate price of splitting his self to serve Judas.

    20 September 2017 - Add a guide
  • Gorger's Apathy

    Defeat GorgerGorger was a simple resident of Ultimopolis that sacrificed himself to Judas without regret... or any other feelings.

    20 September 2017 - Add a guide
  • Follow the Leader

    Enter the real "game" with the narrator

    20 September 2017 - Add a guide
  • Trinity's Chains

    Defeat TrinityTrinity could not stop this cycle, nor can she ever stop the wheel of reincarnation from spinning.

    20 September 2017 - Add a guide
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