Esports Life Tycoon Reviews

  • missiloonmissiloon410,502
    01 Dec 2019 01 Dec 2019
    1 0 0
    Approximate amount of time to 100%: 11-12h
    Estimated achievement difficulty: 3/10
    Minimum number of playthroughs needed: 1
    Has it been in a bundle: No
    Is there a good guide available: No not yet, but you don't really need any
    How many people have completed this game at the time I'm writing this review: 1 on Astats

    Multiplayer achievements: No
    Missable achievements: No
    Grinding Achievements: Not really
    DLC-Only achievements: No
    Time-gated achievements: No
    RNG-achievements: No
    Does difficulty affect achievements: No difficulty option
    Unobtainable/glitched achievements: No

    I enjoyed this management simulation game a lot and became very addicted to it. I got almost all the achievements in one day because I just couldn't stop playing. I thought one achievement didn't unlock for me, but I just didn't understand the specific prerequisites.

    In this game, you manage a team of esports players. You start with very low level players and trying to improve your team while also earning money. The beginning of the game is very hard; it gets easier over time. You have to manage their energy level, team chemistry, and training, while also taking time to scout the next team you'll have a match against. You start with scouting before facing a match, which will give you the numbers of the opposite team in team chemistry and training and then you try to get just a little bit higher than the other team. You also have to manage your social media presence, but that is the least important thing.

    During a match, you can choose to play the battle or auto-resolve it. I really love that they added the option for auto-resolve because I didn't enjoy playing those and this way I still could do all the good things in this game, while not have to bother with playing the actual matches.

    There are different leagues and while your team grows, you'll get into higher leagues and also improve your house and move a few times to a bigger house. This moving part feels a bit like moving in their previous game "Youtubers Life": you will also end up in a space station as your last house.

    The gameplay can feel a bit repetitive, but I still enjoyed it and the game isn't that long. There is one thing I really disliked in this game and that is when an event happens in your house (for example a visitor comes by), the game zooms in on that event. This was very annoying because it happened a lot in the last few seconds before a match when I still wanted to rest my players for a few seconds or do something else. But because the game zoomed in, likely in a different area, you have to zoom out and move the camera... which all takes seconds and makes that you sometimes aren't able to just do what you wanted to do quickly before a match. I hope they will change this before the full release, because it became really annoying with how many times it happened.

    The achievements don't require something special and aren't missable. You'll get almost all of them while moving through the different leagues. The hardest achievements are getting a high-level player, but once you have enough money, you can buy one outright. The one I had troubles with, was leveling up a hero (aka the pets you use in battle) to 5 stars. Watch out, it has to level to 5 stars while you're playing with it. Buying a player who has a level 5 hero doesn't work for this achievement.

    I hope you found my review useful. If you don't mind helping me out, consider following my curator page, thank you!
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