Approximate amount of time to 100%: around 12 hours
Estimated achievement difficulty: 7 out of 10 or something around that without a guide, otherwise like 2 or 3 out of 10.
Minimum number of playthroughs needed: 1
Is there a good guide available: Yes,
Lilly and Luckz did an awesome job with this guide! Multiplayer achievements: Yes, there is one achievement for finishing a room in co-op mode. Both players need a copy of the game.
Missable achievements: No
Grinding Achievements: No
DLC-Only achievements: No
Speedrun achievements: Yes, but you can redo levels and with the guide linked above it will be easy to redo them. I won't suggest using the guide the first time as that defeats the whole purpose of playing a game.
Time-gated achievements: No
RNG-achievements: No
Does difficulty affect achievements: No difficulty option
Unobtainable/glitched achievements: No
In Escape Simulator you get locked up in small rooms, and with small I mean really small! Your job is to escape those rooms. There are a bunch of rooms centered around one theme, which is a lot of fun to complete in one sitting but can be broken up as well. I'm playing through Escape Simulator with a friend while using voice chat. I think this is the best way to enjoy the puzzles, but it can easily be done in single-player as well. Since the newest update ( 2th of April 2024) it is also possible to play this game in VR. I don't own a VR headset so I have no clue how this plays in VR but I find it awesome that they added the VR option to an exciting game while so many others bring out and cash in on a new edition of the game with VR options.
The puzzles in Escape Simulator can be quite challenging. The friend with whom I'm playing and I kinda got easily through the first sets of rooms in the Egyptian theme, but the one in the Space setting gave us more problems and felt a lot harder. Even harder are finding all the secret tokens, as there are 8 of them in each room but they are so well hidden! Gladly after finishing a room you can stay there to still look for them or go back into the puzzle later on. sometimes you have to solve a few puzzles again, but they are easier if you kinda know the answer, or if you're using a guide. This going back will also help with getting through the rooms within the 15-minute challenge, because when you kinda know how to escape it is just easier to do it again and will only take a few minutes.
For me personally, the game gets bonus points for the level-specific achievements, as they are just fun to do and fit the theme so well. It is just a little fun challenging or bonus objective to figure those out. I kinda wish there were more of them but it is great they didn't go overboard with them. And it gets absolutely extra bonus points for no missable achievements because you can hop back into a room and do whatever you missed.
I give Escape Simulator 4 out of 5 stars.
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