Game action
Epic Battle Fantasy 5


23 Mar 20
28 Mar 20
48h 45m

Epic Battle Fantasy 5 Achievements

Here is the full list of all 133 Epic Battle Fantasy 5 achievements.

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  • None Are Free

    Capture 100 different foes. Leave no free animals to graze the fields - all bow before their master.

    28 March 2020 - Add a guide
  • Owned

    Sometimes the enemies don't even have to do anything.

    28 March 2020 - Add a guide
  • Gotta Catch 'em All

    Capture 151 different foes. This game won't actually make you catch all of them, but there was a time when 151 was considered impressive.

    28 March 2020 - Add a guide
  • Critical Condition

    Get a triple critical hit, with the power of status effects! (check which ones increase your critical hit chance)

    28 March 2020 - Add a guide
  • Fog of War

    Get inflicted with the Shroud status, and succumb to the pain of missing information.

    28 March 2020 - Add a guide
  • Epidemic

    Let everyone on the battlefield become infected with the virus status. Probably not a viable strategy for most fights...

    28 March 2020 - Add a guide
  • Adventure Remix

    Start a new Custom Game with any settings, and get to Greenwood Village. It's just like the normal game, but fresher!

    28 March 2020 - Add a guide
  • Seduction

    Exploit Lance's weakness to make him surrender, but only during his 3rd and final appearance.

    28 March 2020 - Add a guide
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