1. Disturbed Walkthrough overview

From developer and published Brad Moore comes Disturbed, one of the most popular indie horror games to hit Steam back in 2016. Thanks to a massive following from the Steam community, Moore was able to get the Steam greenlight for a sequel to the game.

Within Disturbed you play as a farmer whose farm is failing, badly; his crops and animals are dying, and he can't make any money. You must take him on the path to find his fate... and his ending.

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Once you play the game, it's not hard to see why this is so popular. With 17 different routes to death you can take, and a spooky atmosphere, this is ahead of the league when it comes to horror indie games.

This walk through will take you through the 17 different routes to your ultimate demise, and help you get through one of the most popular indie horror games for a while.

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