4. Desert Bus VR Phase 1

Go ahead and launch the game. You will be presented with the option to reopen it after this task, so you don't have to be prepared yet.

A lot of the information required to complete the game is on the Walkthrough Overview and General Hints and Tips pages. I suggest you read those if you haven’t already.

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Anyway, we’re completing this game in three stages.

  1. We will start the game, immediately run off the road, and get towed back. This will get you two achievements. This will take only a couple minutes.
  2. We will do 70 driver runs, taking 8 hours each. This will net you 11 more achievements. This step will likely take around 570-600 hours, depending on how quickly you reset the bus when it finishes its trips.
  3. We will do one passenger run. You have to ride along (In the back) for a complete trip while someone else drives the bus. (Another PC for example) This is done comparatively quickly, taking 8 hours. After doing this, you will receive the last two achievements.

Task 1: (2 minutes)

The first task is the easiest and fastest. As soon as the game loads, you will be at a bus stop with a layout which can be confusing if you've never been to a bus stop before.

There will be a box that looks like it's a slot for a timecard. Your timecard will be directly to the right of it. Pick it up and place it in the aforementioned timecard slot. This makes you the bus driver. You can also become a passenger. (With the red box with the bus ticket) Although, we will not be doing this until the very end of the game. Do not press the red box until then to avoid losing your progress. The screen will fade and load. As soon as your bus fires up, you will get your first achievement.

Once this is done, simply hold the W key and the D key simultaneously. This will run the bus off the road. Doing this will result in you being towed back to the starting point. Assuming you immediately drove off the road, this process should be very quick. When you regain control of your bus, you will gain another achievement.

Having this achievement, you can choose to either start task 2 immediately or close the game and reopen it. For simplicity, I would close the game and reopen it, so you have a fresh start, at the bus stop screen.

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