

23 Aug 20
2h 48m

DarkStory Online Achievements

Full list of all 20 DarkStory Online achievements.

The base game contains 16 achievements, and there are 2 DLC packs containing 4 achievements.

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  • My life for Auir

    You did it! You've given your life to the adventure 500 times. Adventurers like you keep Dragonia afloat!

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  • Welcome to Esia

    Welcome to the greatest city in Dragonia! Here you can find the best warriors and have many more adventures.

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  • Ten Thousand Monsters

    Monsters fear you, and the word out on the streets is that no evil survives your path.

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  • One Hundred Thousand Monsters

    You rule Dragonia! Reptilians and other adventurers can't stop talking about the legend who has defeated over 100k monsters!

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  • Welcome to Goldum Forest

    You've reached the Goldum Forest! Be careful. Be aware of the new powerful enemies, and get ready for the next chapter of your adventure!

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  • Get to know the Cemetery

    Spooky! Esia's cemetery is where the greatest warriors are buried. It may seem like a regular cemetery, but it holds many secrets and hidden treasures.

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  • Player Killer

    You demonstrated other adventurers that your strength is superior and won't hesitate to fight any challenger.

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  • Unlock the Lich Cape

    Not many can say they've faced the Lich and lived to tell the story, but you've managed to get its Cape!

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  • Reach the Rokkun Tavern

    You've gone past the Bears and reached the Rokkun tavern. Many minerals can only be found here!

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  • Gumby Killer

    What have they done to you!? It seems like you really hate Gumbys and have killed 100k of them!

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  • One more quest!

    You love the adventure, and no quest is too small for you. The people of Dragonia thank you for always helping them.

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  • Become Premium

    That's shiny! You've purchased your first premium item, and your character now looks like no one else's.

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  • Enhance an Item

    You couldn't keep the same old item around. Adventurers of your level are always trying to improve their equipment!

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  • Complete the Halloween Tower

    Only the most exceptional teams can complete the Halloween Tower, and you have done it! Keep your party around. You seem to work well together!

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Title Update

1 (100%)
Title Update

BraveWolf's 11th Anniversary

1 (100%)
BraveWolf's 11th Anniversary
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