Dandy Randy Reviews

  • missiloonmissiloon417,393
    19 Apr 2020
    0 0 0
    Approximate amount of time to 100%: 3,5h
    Estimated achievement difficulty: 2/10
    Minimum number of playthroughs needed: 1
    Has it been in a bundle: No
    Is there a good guide available: Yes, but you won't need a guide
    How many people have completed this game at the time I'm writing this review: 2 on Astats

    Multiplayer achievements: No
    Missable achievements: No
    Grinding Achievements: No
    DLC-Only achievements: No
    Time-gated achievements: No
    RNG-achievements: No
    Does difficulty affect achievements: No difficulty option
    Unobtainable/glitched achievements: No

    This is a short but fun action-adventure game. You can play this solo or as a local multiplayer game. There is a small story in the game; if you would like to know what is going on, don't skip the intro when you start the game!

    This game has 5 levels. In each level you're trying to find 4 keys to open the way to the boss. 2 levels also have a mini-boss. The nice thing is: if you die, you keep the keys as long as you don't return to the map.

    This game has no missable achievements. 10 achievements you'll get for just playing the game. 1 Achievement is for getting 15 hidden coins in one level, which is easily doable on level one where there is a big flower bed that contains coins. The last 3 want you to collect a total of 7.500 gold. If you don't have this by the end of the game, replay level 2 since it is the easiest one. The money you have while beating the end boss is what counts for these achievements. When you die you lose all your money.

    I hope you found my review useful. If you don't mind helping me out, consider following my curator page, thank you!
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