Ambre - a heartbreaking kinetic novel Reviews

  • transyotransyo23,072
    21 Aug 2017
    0 0 0
    From Träumendes Mädchen comes Ambre – a heartbreaking kinetic novel, a casual free to play anime novel.

    You view the story from Tristan’s point of view, a depressed thirty year old man who comes across a young girl, lost on the street. In a moment of heartfelt, he takes her in to father her, and let her have a life. But the story itself, does not remain happy.

    I was, honestly, not much of a fan of this. I don’t quite understand why it has so many positive reviews. The artwork of this game was amazing, truly, and the story itself was heart breaking, true to its name. The soundtrack was also spectacularly done, but I just couldn’t bring myself to like this. I don’t know what it was but I couldn’t be immersed in this. There was something about it that I just don’t know that really broke the immersion for me.

    A lot of people enjoyed this but, unfortunately, I just wasn’t one of them. With only story related achievements throughout the game, there’s nothing other than the story to keep the player – or reader – involved. This wasn’t enough for me. For such a heartbreaking story, I would have loved to see some choices that Tristan had to make, to involve the player and make them feel the same pain as Tristan. We’re just bystanders, we feel the affect, but we don’t truly feel how Tristan does – and isn’t that the point of a game? To feel what the characters are feeling and to go through the game with them, rather than just watching them?

    This just felt like I was watching a television show, reading subtitles and watching people act the story out in front of me. It wasn’t a full immersion and I just wish there had been some. It would have made the game so much better, and to involve the gamer would have been a smart choice on Träumendes Mädchen’s part.

    A beautiful game, but honestly, lacking in some fields.
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