Albedo: Eyes from Outer Space Reviews

  • TheAnomalyTheAnomaly154,161
    05 Dec 2016
    2 0 0
    This first person adventure game is one of a kind, It looks like a Sci-fi B Movie from the sixties. Some things about this game are simply bad or done for purpose, I still don't know. The voice acting is extremely bad, so bad it makes you laugh a few times during the game. Some puzzles are simply weird but nothing is too difficult.

    I still loved this game with all its flaws because it was interesting, diversified, not too long, with a clever ending and a few notable easter-eggs.

    Regarding achievements, most of them will be obtained in a normal playthrough and you can get the remaining ones by loading the automatic savegames corresponding to the scene it should be unlocked in. Most of the remaining ones are linked to easter eggs, details or things you wouldn't normally do in the game, looking for them without the help of a guide can be difficult.

    This game doesn't take too long to complete, some parts are tricky or unnecessarily complicated but overall a few hours should be enough with or without the help of a guide. You can unlock all 30 achievements in between 5 to 10 hours.
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