Game action
Alan Wake


17 Dec 13
3h 5m

Alan Wake Achievements

Here is the full list of all 67 Alan Wake achievements. It takes around 25-30 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Windows.

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  • Missed by a Mile

    Perform a cinematic dodge 20 times.

    Locked - 2 guides
  • Energized!

    Use 100 batteries.

    Locked - 2 guides
  • Carny

    Knock over five can pyramids.

    Locked - 2 guides
  • Meet the Deadline

    In ''Mirror Peak,'' make it from the Coal Mine Museum to Cauldron Lake in 30 minutes.

    Locked - 2 guides
  • An Idyllic Small Town

    Make it through ''Night Life in Bright Falls'' in one go without dying or restarting even once.

    Locked - 2 guides
  • Gunless Wonder

    Make it to Cauldron Lake without firing a single shot in ''On the Road to Cauldron Lake.''

    Locked - 2 guides
  • Right of Way

    Drive over 15 Taken.

    Locked - 2 guides
  • Every Nook and Cranny

    Discover all of the hidden chests.

    Locked - 2 guides
  • A Friend in Need

    Special 1: Find someone to help you.

    Locked - 1 guide
  • A Friend Indeed

    Special 1: Follow the signal to its conclusion.

    Locked - 1 guide
  • Fast and Furious

    Special 1: Make it through the final battle in less than 1 minute and 30 seconds.

    Locked - 2 guides
  • Words Will Never Harm You

    Special 1: Trigger all of the furnaces in the basement.

    Locked - 2 guides
  • Run-On Sentence

    Special 1: Complete the episode without reloading the game or restarting a checkpoint.

    Locked - 2 guides
  • License Revoked

    Special 1: Complete the episode without using a single vehicle.

    Locked - 3 guides
  • Tick Tock

    Special 1: Discover 10 hidden alarm clocks.

    Locked - 2 guides
  • Cardboard Companions

    Special 1: Discover all of the cardboard standees.

    Locked - 2 guides
  • Ding!

    Special 2: Complete the elevator ride.

    Locked - 2 guides
  • Kill Your Darlings

    Special 2: Defeat the final obstacle between you and your goal.

    Locked - 2 guides
  • Go Gentle Into That Good Light

    Special 2: Make it through the approach to the lighthouse without firing a weapon.

    Locked - 2 guides
  • No Punctuation

    Special 2: Complete the episode without reloading the game or restarting a checkpoint.

    Locked - 3 guides
  • Iron Will

    Special 2: Survive the final encounter without being seriously hurt.

    Locked - 2 guides
  • Whirlwind

    Special 2: Make your way past the tornado in under 60 seconds.

    Locked - 2 guides
  • Licensed Properties

    Special 2: Discover 10 Night Springs video games.

    Locked - 3 guides
  • Creative Space

    Special 2: Discover the secret area.

    Locked - 3 guides
  • Heartbreaker

    Special 2: Have some poison poured in your ear.

    Locked - 2 guides
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