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Game I no longer have showing up in easy achievements.

  • HaxArasHaxAras3,302
    Posted on 12 December 22 at 12:34, Edited on 12 December 22 at 12:38 by HaxAras
    A friend of mine played a "Resident Evil One Shot Demo" on my account and unlocked an achievement. I've marked it as "No Longer Have", yet it still shows up in my Easy Achievements list.

    I just did a quick Google search and found out it's possible to delete games from your account. It would still be nice if games we mark as no longer have didn't show up in our achievement lists.

    Edit: I just did a quick profile update. It's STILL showing up in my easy achievements and shows me as having an achievement in the game, despite it being removed from my account. But it's not showing up in my games list. My games list (on my profile) says I have 13 games, but when I click on it, it shows 12. It seems like it's half-heartedly hidden from my account on the site and not properly deleted.
    Korra II.
  • Posted on 13 December 22 at 06:30, Edited on 13 December 22 at 06:32 by Belindo152
    Once you unlocked an achievement and it's scanned into TSA, you can't remove the game from your TSA profile anymore.

    As for the filtering in Easy Achievements (HaxAras' Achievements), you can set the check for 'Exclude done with/no longer have' and then that game will not show achievements anymore in that overview.

    Regarding the edit: There are two places for 'your games'. The Games page, and the Games Collection. From the first, you can add/remove games as you please. This will not remove any stats about them though. From your Game Collection, you are not able to remove any games where you have unlocked at least one achievement.
  • HaxArasHaxAras3,302
    Posted on 13 December 22 at 06:49
    Once you unlocked an achievement and it's scanned into TSA, you can't remove the game from your TSA profile anymore.
    Why is that the case when even Steam removed it from my account?
    Korra II.
  • Information
    Posted on 06 April 24 at 11:21
    This post was archived by Belindo152
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