Full list of Steam games developed by Team Syukino

Game Score Ratio Gamers Comp % Comp Time Rating
Aeloren Tactics Aeloren Tactics 10 1.00 14 100.0
Anetona Anetona 10 1.00 6 100.0
Euclyca Euclyca 10 1.00 17 100.0
Exiori Exiori 25 1.25 5 40.0
Falnarion Tactics III Falnarion Tactics III 416 1.04 2 0
Falnarion Tactics: Oathbreaker Falnarion Tactics: Oathbreaker 10 1.00 61 98.4 0-1 hour
Pixel Boy: The Legend of Tain Pixel Boy: The Legend of Tain 10 1.00 4 100.0
Restoration Restoration 11 1.10 245 73.5 0-1 hour
Restoration X Restoration X 20 1.00 3 100.0
Solenars Edge Heroes Solenars Edge Heroes 10 1.00 424 93.4 0-1 hour
Solenars Edge II: Aurora of The Seventh Dawn Solenars Edge II: Aurora of The Seventh Dawn 10 1.00 95 98.9 0-1 hour
Solenars Edge II: Champions Solenars Edge II: Champions 10 1.00 107 100.0 0-1 hour
Solenars Edge Rebirth Solenars Edge Rebirth 11 1.10 507 75.9 0-1 hour
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