

01 Jul 11
286h 19m

Champions Online Achievements

Here is the full list of all 709 Champions Online achievements.

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  • Canada History: Argent Snow Thrush Sanctuary

    Friends of Mother Earth unite! Stop the exploitation and despoliation of these lands by the corporate oppressors known as ARGENT! The ravaging of this once-pristine land by greedy business interests must come to an end! The endangered Speckled Silver-Beak Snow Thrush must be protected, and its fragile habitat preserved! Join us to protest the numerous ecological offenses of ARGENT, and do your part to protect the planet!

    03 August 2011 - Add a guide
  • Canada History: Renegade Run Paintball Camp

    Ostensibly a booked-all-season Paintball Camp for extreme sportsmen, this camp is actually a cover for the Canadian terrorist splinter-group, the Hunter-Patriots. Their headquarters are here, and this is where they plot the overthrow of the Canadian government.

    03 August 2011 - Add a guide
  • Canada History: Lynx Fold

    An area of vast mystical power, containing a nexus point between the four great spirits of the land. The powerful Demon of the Lost, Tilingkoot, is said to be roaming here, using this nexus point to summon other demonic servants. It is rumored that Tilingkoot is attempting to raise an army from the netherworld, and amass enough power to summon forth the evil Inuit God Kigatilik.

    03 August 2011 - Add a guide
  • Canada History: Hoarfrost Hills

    If you are reading this, turn back! These lands are corrupted, and an evil is buried here that must not be unearthed! A century ago, the miners of the Lost Lemon Mine paid a terrible price for trespassing on these lands, and soon those fools from ARGENT will meet the same tragic end. You are warned! Turn back, or face an evil beyond all human comprehension.

    03 August 2011 - Add a guide
  • Canada History: Great Bear Lake

    Buried on the shores of Great Bear Lake are the remains of “Big Moose” Mosiondz, the famed pioneer, tracker, trapper, and muleskinner. Known as one of the toughest frontiersman in all of the Canadian Wilderness, Mosiondz traveled 180 miles by foot during the Blizzard of ’23, after losing 8 toes and 6 fingers to frostbite. He was mauled to death the subsequent summer by a black bear while leading a hunting expedition.

    03 August 2011 - Add a guide
  • Canada History: Fallen Sun Forest

    The site of numerous UFO sightings, Fallen Sun Forest is the subject of numerous books by conspiracy theorists convinced it is a staging area for a group of reptilian extraterrestrials known as the Gadroon. One popular conspiracy theory says that the Gadroon are conducting terraforming experiments in this neighborhood, part of a larger plan to alter the Earth’s environment and make it more habitable for their species, in anticipation of an upcoming Gadroon invasion and occupation of the Earth.

    03 August 2011 - Add a guide
  • Canada History: Chiyetanka Bluff

    Over the years, there have been numerous Bigfoot sightings in the remote hills of Chiyetanka Bluff, but little in the way of concrete evidence that the elusive creatures are anything more than an urban legend. Some witnesses claim the Bigfoots are docile and friendly. Others report them to be savage and bloodthirsty. No photographic evidence exists beyond a handful of dark or blurry photos, most of which are thought to be hoaxes perpetuated by pathetic pranksters desperate for attention.

    03 August 2011 - Add a guide
  • Canada History: Rime Woods

    This area houses several labs known as "The Clutch," where VIPER scientists perform experiments as part of their Project Awakening, a program devoted to unleashing the human brain’s psionic potential. VIPER hopes the program, once complete, will lead to the creation of an army of psychic super-soldiers.

    03 August 2011 - Add a guide
  • Historian: Desert

    Research the history of notable Desert sites.

    03 August 2011 - Add a guide
  • Desert History: Area 51

    This document is classified and intended for VIPER agents with only “Venom” level security clearance or higher. Information within document pertains to history of location code named “Area 51.” Formerly a secret U.S. military base, Area 51 was decommissioned during a round of budget cuts in the 1990s. VIPER has since covertly assumed control of base and is using it as base of operation to investigate nearby crash of interstellar extraterrestrial vehicle belonging to Qularr. This document will now self destruct.

    03 August 2011 - Add a guide
  • Desert History: Project Stein

    03 August 2011 - Add a guide
  • Desert History: Project Greenskin

    This statue commemorates the lives that were tragically cut short during a rampage by the supervillain Grond. After the army base that originally stood here was reduced to rubble by the raging behemoth, PRIMUS rebuilt the base and renamed it “Project Greenskin.” We have dedicated our efforts to stopping Grond, and all the other unfortunate souls who have been transformed by radiation into creatures of mindless, mutant rage.

    03 August 2011 - Add a guide
  • Historian: Millennium City

    Research the history of notable Millennium City sites

    03 August 2011 - Add a guide
  • Monster Island History: Wells' Pass

    01 August 2011 - Add a guide
  • Maggot

    Defeat 100 Elder Worms

    01 August 2011 - Add a guide
  • Island Hopping

    Explore Island in Well's Pass.

    01 August 2011 - Add a guide
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