Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad - Single Player Review by Astaritus

28 Mar 2024 28 Mar 2024
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Take part in the most fierce and bloody battle between the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany. Experience firsthand the difficulty of fighting in a war-torn city and its surroundings.

Choose your side of the conflict and find out what the soldiers experienced on the battlefield.

Liked - Single player:
* Availability of achievements in Single Player
* Localization into many languages, including Russian
* Realistic weapon ballistics
* Availability of the “Native Speech” function for German soldiers
* Animation of transferring characters in a tank, in the event of the death of a comrade, occurs in real time
* Use of historical photographs and documents

Liked - Multiplayer game:
* Availability of achievements
* Trading cards
* Localization into many languages, including Russian
* Fixed training bug “First day” with the “Breath Hold” key
* Fixed a bug with inappropriate keyboard shortcuts in the tutorial
* Fixed a bug with Radio, now pressing “ESC” takes the player out of “radio” mode to continue the game
* Realistic weapon ballistics
* Availability of the “Native Speech” function for German soldiers
* Animation of transferring characters in a tank, in the event of the death of a comrade, occurs in real time
* Minimalistic interface
* Steam Workshop Support
* Working online servers with a constant presence of players
* Improved effects and some textures
* Custom map support
* Variety of customizable game modes
* Combined multiplayer client for Rising Storm and Red Orchestra 2
* Bonus items for Team Fortress 2 and Killing Floor game holders
* Improvement of weapons and player characteristics as weapons and classes are used during online battles
* Availability of multiplayer campaigns

Didn't like it - Single player:
* Single player game has been removed from the Steam store
* Training bug “First day” - consisting of an incorrectly specified “Breath Hold” key
* Specifying incorrect keyboard shortcuts in tutorial missions
* Difficulty in determining friend/foe
* After death, the player may be given a character that is under enemy fire or artillery bombardment
* Weak AI of allied forces
* AI opponents allow them to instantly target the player and deliver a headshot from a gigantic distance
* Dozens of in-game functions installed on one key
* The weapon has a “scatter” function, which is why you cannot hit an enemy who is a few meters away from you
* Inability to interrupt weapon charging animation to use melee weapons
* To reload most weapons, the player must remain stationary. Any movement interrupts reloading, leaving the player with an empty clip.
* The game crashes to the desktop if you skip the video screensaver/intro mission by pressing the “ESC” or “ENTER” key
* Very slow shooting/character movement/weapon reloading
* The inconvenient function of selecting weapons using the mouse wheel, due to which you need to not only select it from the list, but also press the fire key. Which in many situations can lead to the death of a character
* One hit with the butt leads to the death of the character
* Opponents/allies who are close to the player ignore weapons and try to attack in close combat
* “Fear/Panic” effect that turns the screen gray. What makes it difficult to make out anything on the screen
* After the death of a character, the player cannot choose the class of the next soldier in the squad to continue the game
* Allied troops ignore the player's instructions/orders, which is especially noticeable in the “Defense” mode
* A glitch of a discrepancy between the animation of the enemy’s actions and the “real player’s camera”, which gives the impression that the enemy is capable of killing the player by shooting from his back or looking at the ground
* Armor-piercing shells of anti-tank weapons are not capable of penetrating even thin walls of buildings
* Only certain character classes can drive tanks
* A bug in using instructions for the Driver-Mechanic at the end of a tank training mission, in which the tank can get stuck in the gate without the ability to move or reverse
* Bug with instant death of a player in a cut-scene when using the “Start mission over” function
* The tank crew is not capable of independently firing at enemies
* If the player clicks “End Mission” and restarts the game, there is a possibility that the game, instead of continuing the current mission, will immediately begin the next one.
* Impossibility of destroying a tank with conventional grenades
* Bug when using a tank, consisting of a “green mini-map”
* Inconsistency between video text and voiceover
* English voice acting for the final missions of the Soviet campaign
* A bug in the “Defense” mode, in which a point can be captured by two enemy soldiers, even if there are several dozen allied soldiers
* Lack of game balance in the “difficulty” of the game, in which the easier the game, the “fatter” the opponents and the less damage from weapons
* Bots are able to shoot through textures, exposing weapons through walls
* Lack of medic support class
* Very slow voice narration of historical documents in the Soviet campaign
* Same missions and maps for both campaigns
* Bug with the complete disappearance of the game interface
* Opponents can appear right in front of the player
* Opponents are able to appear in front of the player right while capturing a point
* Bug when using the radio, if you press the “ESC” key, the map disappears, but not the support functions
* Lack of localized voice acting in the final cutscene of the Uranus mission in the Soviet campaign
* A bug in the initial screensaver of the mission “Red October of the Soviet Campaign”, in which the command for an attack is given by a German commander with a call to “destroy all Russians”
* Inability to use the radio from certain angles
* Artificial height limitation for climbing over fences and obstacles on the same objects

Didn't like it - Multiplayer game:
* Game launch bug with “infinite running of the installation script”
* Availability of DLC “Single Player” - which does not include a single company
* Availability of achievements for completing the single player campaign removed from the game
* Difficulty in determining friend/foe
* After death, the player may be given a character that is under enemy fire or artillery bombardment
* Weak AI of allied forces
* AI opponents allow them to instantly target the player and deliver a headshot from a gigantic distance
* Dozens of in-game functions installed on one key
* The weapon has a “scatter” function, which is why you cannot hit an enemy who is a few meters away from you
* Inability to interrupt weapon charging animation to use melee weapons
* To reload most weapons, the player must remain stationary. Any movement interrupts reloading, leaving the player with an empty clip.
* The game crashes to the desktop if you skip the video screensaver/intro mission by pressing the “ESC” or “ENTER” key
* Very slow shooting/character movement/weapon reloading
* The inconvenient function of selecting weapons using the mouse wheel, due to which you need to not only select it from the list, but also press the fire key. Which in many situations can lead to the death of a character
* “Fear/Panic” effect that turns the screen gray. What makes it difficult to make out anything on the screen
* A glitch of a discrepancy between the animation of the enemy’s actions and the “real player’s camera”, which gives the impression that the enemy is capable of killing the player by shooting from his back or looking at the ground
* Possibility of shooting through brick walls with any weapon - even pistols
* Only certain character classes can drive tanks
* The tank crew is not capable of independently firing at enemies
* Players and bots are able to shoot through textures, exposing weapons through walls
* Lack of medic support class
* Opponents are able to appear right in front of other players
* Artificial height limitation for climbing over fences and obstacles on the same objects
* A bug when using the “Native Speech” function for a German tank crew, in which they continue to speak Russian with an accent
* A bug with the issuance of some achievements that come with a “delay”, or a discrepancy between the fulfilled conditions


“Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad” is a tactical first-person shooter developed by Tripwire Interactive. This is a continuation of the successful game “Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45”, taking players to the battlefields of World War II.
This part of the series focuses on the important events of the Battle of Stalingrad - one of the most brutal and significant battles in history. The game allows users to plunge into a military atmosphere, where realistic combat conditions and intense battles await them.
The game has a number of features. One of them is tactical gameplay. Here it is important not just to shoot accurately, but also to think about your actions, coordinate with your team and use the environment to your advantage. It is also worth noting that in the game you can choose the side of the conflict - the Soviet army or the German troops. This adds variety to the gameplay and allows you to see the battle from different perspectives.
“Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad” presents a wide range of weapons, military equipment and equipment, which allows you to choose the optimal set for your fighting style. Each weapon has its own characteristics and properties, so players have to adapt to different situations on the battlefield.
One notable aspect of the game is the damage system, which simulates the effects of weapons on different parts of the body. This feature brings a strategic element to battles, as players can choose their tactics based on their wounds.
The game also features realistic bullet and hit physics, making combat scenes look intense and realistic. Shooting requires taking into account many factors, including distance to the target, wind strength and other conditions, making each shot important and strategic.
The graphics and sound in “Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad” are made at a decent level for 2011-2013, which contributes to deep immersion in the atmosphere of war. And the atmospheric soundtrack and sounds of battle create a unique atmosphere of front-line battles during the Second World War.
Although “Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad” does not have a full-fledged single-player campaign (it is presented as a separate product in your library), the multiplayer component of the game perfectly compensates for this deficiency. Expect epic battles on maps inspired by real locations and events of the Battle of Stalingrad.
The multiplayer of “Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad” is also highly rated for its intensity and dynamics. Online play allows you to play with friends, join forces to achieve common goals, making the gameplay even more fun.
While the game can be challenging and has a high level of realism, it may feel unfamiliar to those accustomed to arcade first-person shooters. But for fans of tactical games and historically accurate battles, “Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad” will be a real revelation.
Overall, “Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad” provides players with a fun and addictive experience that combines tactical gameplay, realistic battles and a military atmosphere. If you appreciate realistic military simulators and are interested in the history of World War II, this game definitely deserves your attention.
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