
Danganronpa series... never thought I would enjoy the first game, ended up buying all 4 releases!


KuWanTum's Blog (1 follower)

Insane FPS boost in Ryse Son Of RomePermalink
To start. my setup is:
Palit Gamerock edition Nvidia GTX 1080
32gb ram
512gb m.2 nvme drive (have a 3tb standard HDD as well but that's irrelevant here)

At 1080p with max graphical settings, I get 40-60fps while playing with massive frame drops.

Now, this is where it gets strange... I was advised to open Origin (the EA competitor client), THEN open steam and launch Ryse. Thought I was being trolled but tried it.

INSTANT FPS BOOST. With frame limiter and vsync off, it was hitting ~130fps.

Currently running at 4k downsampled with an absolutely solid 60fps. Makes no sense but it works lol! If I launch the game without having Origin open, the issues return and I get a stuttery mess of a game.
Posted by KuWanTum on 07 October 16 at 22:33

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CAPP360 I'll have to revisit this game and check this out. Thanks!
Posted by CAPP360 on 06 Jan 17 at 07:19
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