Completionist Dungeon Scavenger achievement in Anuchard

Completionist Dungeon Scavenger

Looted all the Materials in Dungeon

Completionist Dungeon Scavenger0
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How to unlock the Completionist Dungeon Scavenger achievement

  • razzazzikarazzazzika150,075
    14 Oct 2022 21 Oct 2022 21 Oct 2022
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    This is an exhaustive list of all materials and where to find them. None of these are missable as you can re-enter the dungeons starting in Chapter 04.

    Chapter 00:
    • No Materials in this chapter.
    Chapter 01 - Doran's Dungeon:
    1. Green Material 1 - The bell spirits point it out and you automatically harvest it shortly after entering Doran's dungeon.
    2. Anu 1 - Immediately after the fight in the next doorway.
    3. Green Material 2 - On the left path to one of the 3 red gems to open the first door like that, after a fight with a turret and a dog, in the next room, before the room with the gem in it.
    4. Green Material 3 - On the right path to one of the 3 red gems, in the room right before the red gem.
    5. Anu 2 - To the right of the last material, there are stairs leading up and around to an obelisk. Smash it open to get this.
    6. Green Material 4 - After entering the doorway the 3 red gems opened, at the top of the stairs to the left by a tree.
    7. Green Material 5 - After the first fight in the second area, go down the stairs and hang left. There is a secret passage behind the hay stacks that leads to the 5th green material.
    8. Green Material 6 - Almost immediately south of the secret passage used to get to Green Material 5, down two flights of stairs and behind some pots near a hololog.
    9. Anu 3 - After the exploding pot gauntlet and 3 red gem doors, head north at the fork to find another obelisk to smash.
    10. Green Material 7 - To the left of the previous obelisk, there are a bunch of pots. Smash them and you'll find a green material hiding beneath them.
    Chapter 02 - Ramu's Dungeon:
    1. Green Material 1 - In the starting room.
    2. Green Material 2 - After entering the first red gem door, to the right hiding underneath some destructable flowers.
    3. Anu 1 - When you have to hit the bubble gem to activate one of the gems of a 2 red gem door, instead hit the bubble the opposite direction, and when it comes back, hit it up to the other red gem. This opens the door in this room. Go inside and destroy the obelisk to get this piece.
    4. Green Material 3 - In the same room as Anu 1.
    5. Green Material 4 - To the north of the bubble-gem puzzle for the 2 red gem door, there is a green material near the northern red gem.
    6. Anu 2 - A little tricky, but you have to hit the bubble down to the southern red gem from the bubble-gem. Requires multiple redirecting hits. Once the red gem door is open, smash the obelisk inside.
    7. Green Material 5 - In the same room as Anu 2, underneath some destructible grass that grows back.
    8. Green Material 6 - After going through the 2nd portal, there is a secret passage to the south (the grass shows a convenient arrow pointing to it). This material is in the room on the other side of that passage
    9. Anu 3 - In the same room as Green Material 6. Break the obelisk and the prize is yours.
    10. Green Material 7 - In the next room after the room with the grass arrow, right before the miniboss fight.
    Chapter 03 - Green Guardian's Dungeon:
    1. Green Material 1 - In the crescent moon shaped room at the beginning, run past the green door and to the opposite end of the crescent.
    2. Green Material 2 - Go past the unopened red gem door and past two green barriers in a row. On the right, there is a bunch of pots with a Green Material hiding beneath one.
    3. Green Material 3 - To the left after entering the previous red gem door.
    4. Anu 1 - In the room with the spinning flower, look in the bottom right corner for an obelisk to smash.
    5. Anu 2 - After you go through the door after the next fight, hang right to a secret passage. The obelisk is in the secret room here.
    6. Green Material 4 - On the path left from Anu 2 there is a bubble puzzle. The green material is to the right side of the red gem.
    7. Green Material 5 - After going through the next 2 red gem door, circle around to the right then south to find a green material under some green barriers.
    8. Green Material 6 - Continue around the right side but follow the north path this time to get to a blue gem transporter like you used a couple times before. Ride it to the left to the next island with the red gem, but on your way back aim for the next gem station north of where you started. The Green Material is next to the hololog and Jub's soul.
    9. Anu 3 - After opening the red gem door to get back to the red spinning flower, head the opposite direction and then south to find the obelisk to destroy.
    10. Green Material 7 - Head back along the path away from the red flower and you will see a green material behind a green barrier.
    Chapter 04 - Adun's Dungeon:
    1. Anu 1 - After opening the first red gem door, go through it and hang a left into a secret package. Smash the obelisk in the next room.
    2. Gold Material 1 - There is another secret passage right past the previous Anu. Follow the passage to the end to collect your first Gold Material. Functionally its similar to the green stuff, you're just in a different dungeon now.
    3. Gold Material 2 - The next red gem door requires two red gems. When taking the longer passage to the second gem, it is right before the second gem's room hiding beneath some tall grass.
    4. Gold Material 3 - The first room after you enter the previously mentioned red gem room has another gold material.
    5. Anu 2 - In the next room after Gold Material 3 you will see two holologs and a bunch of pots. Smashing the northern pots reveals a secret passage. Follow it to find the next obelisk to smash.
    6. Gold Material 4 - After entering the next red gem door and using the teleporter, you are in a large new area. Keep going left until you find the hololog of Pipit with his soul locked behind a red gem door. This material is in the grass north of this room.
    7. Anu 3 - You can see the obelisk from the location of Gold Material 4, but will need to backtrack nearly to the beginning of the area and instead of going left, head up the stairs, then turn left when able.
    8. Gold Material 5 - In the area south of the second red gem for the next door. Easy to spot on your way to hit the gem.
    9. Gold Material 6 - Also visible from the previous red gem, on a ledge under some grass. Go around to your right to find it.
    10. Gold Material 7 - After opening the 4 red gem door, go left. You will see it near the hololog.
    Chapter 05 - Aliwin's Dungeon:
    1. Gold Material 1 - In the first area, head immediately left and north. The first gold material is on a raised plateau under some grass.
    2. Gold Material 2 - After entering the second red gem door, turn right and look on a grass covered plateau similar to the first one.
    3. Gold Material 3 - Continue the same direction and follow this path to the end.
    4. Anu 1 - Head back to the red gem door and take the left path instead to find the next obelisk to smash.
    5. Gold Material 4 - Follow the path until the next red gem puzzle. The Gold Material is on the ledge to the right of the bubble gem, after you solve the puzzle.
    6. Anu 2 - Continue left after the next red gem door through a thin secret passage to the next breakable obelisk.
    7. Gold Material 5 - In the next area with the large red gem bubble puzzle, between two sets of pillars near one of the red gems.
    8. Anu 3 - After going through the two red gem door, the obelisk can be see right above you after the next fight. Take the small secret passage to get into the room and smash it.
    9. Gold Material 6 - Right outside the room with the previous Anu to the north.
    10. Gold Material 7 - In between two pillars on the way to the next red gem.
    Chapter 06 - Gold Guardian's Dungeon:
    1. Gold Material 1 - After going through the first red gem door, follow the path, and go right at the fork. The first gem can be seen underneath some reeds to the right of the stairs.
    2. Aru 1 - After the second fight, go left and use the hole in the ledge to drop down. The obelisk to smash is on this island.
    3. Gold Material 2 - From the previous Aru, drop down again and it is on the ledge to the left of the red gem.
    4. Aru 2 - The obelisk to smash is near the beginning of the second area, to the right of the two red gem door.
    5. Gold Material 3 - Go left from the red gem door. And follow left until the end. The Gold Material is hiding beneath some pots.
    6. Gold Material 4 - From the previous Aru, continue on the right path until after the next fight. The Gold Material is to the left after that room.
    7. Gold Material 5 - To the right of the last gold material, on a ledge above a bubble gem.
    8. Aru 3 - After the next fight, ther will be an empty display case with a secret passage to the right of it. Follow through to the obelisk and smash it.
    9. Gold Material 6 - To the left of this display entrance at the end of the path.
    10. Gold Material 7 - At the start of the next area go right before heading to the boss.
    Chapter 07 - Ube's Dungeon:
    1. Indigo/Red Material 1 - Follow the path until you see a bubble gem. To the right, in a grassy area ther is a secret path. The material lies beyond.
    2. Aru 1 - Ignore the bubble gem for now and continue to follow the path a really long way to a fight on the southernmost part of the area, hit the red gem, and travel almost all the way back to the entrance to the red gem door that was opened and smash the obelisk inside.
    3. Indigo/Red Material 2 - Go through the red gem door that was by Material 1, fight the next fight, and go south a bit. There is another secret passage to the right with another material.
    4. Indigo/Red Material 3 - Again, ignore the gem and follow this path all the way to the end to find the next Material.
    5. Anu 2 - After opening the next red gem door, wind around to the south of where the door is, and you will find the obelisk to smash.
    6. Indigo/Red Material 4 - Right next to the previous Aru.
    7. Anu 3 - in the next area, go right at the fork with the three red gem door and continue onward keeping right until you fight the fight for one of those red gems. South of this room is the obelisk to smash.
    8. Indigo/Red Material 5 - Use the jump pad to the left of the last anu and cross the small bridge. The material is on this island.
    9. Indigo/Red Material 6 - Take the next jump pad and go south and then left. Don't fight the next fight, but go left some more until you see a hololog and the next Material.
    10. Indigo/Red Material 7 - Fight the next fight and continue left as far as you can go, past the next puzzle. The path curves south and at the end of it the final material for this dungeon.
    Chapter 08 - Rasen's Dungeon:
    1. Indigo/Red Material 1 - Follow the path until you see a bubble gem. In the bottom left of the room, under the grass is the first material.
    2. Indigo/Red Material 2 - Continue on until you reach the two red gem door. Go down the stairs and to the right for the next material, hiding under some boxes.
    3. Indigo/Red Material 3 - From the two red gem door. Take the jump pad to the south, go past the fight and past the jump pad to the right to find the next material under some grass. Make sure you hit the red gem, because it's needed for Aru 2.
    4. Aru 1 - Take the jump pad and go north to the teleporter. From where you teleport to, there is a secret passage to the obelisk you need to smash.
    5. Aru 2 - Go through the door opened by the red gem near material 3 and follow the path to the smashable obelisk.
    6. Indigo/Red Material 4 - The next area is huge, and I'll do my best to guide you. From the first fork, head left until you see a room to the north. The material is under some boxes here.
    7. Indigo/Red Material 5 - Continue left until you get to a square pathway that you can run around in a full loop. The material is in the top left of this square.
    8. Indigo/Red Material 6 - Go back to the fork and go right this time. Turn north at the second hololog you pass and enter the room to the north. The material is under some boxes here.
    9. Aru 3 - Leave the room and go to the right past the two red gem door and you'll see the obelisk to smash to the south in some grass. You'll need to go into a secret passage to the right behind some pots in order to reach it.
    10. Indigo/Red Material 7 - After entering the final two red gem door in this area, there is a secret passage in the hallway to your right. The material is under some boxes.
    Chapter 09 - Indigo & Red Guardian's Dungeon:
    1. Indigo/Red Material 1 - Follow the path past the first non-quiz related fight when it curves around back to the north. Go right here and into the small secret passage to get the material in the secret room.
    2. Aru 1 - After running the lightning gauntlet, solve the gem puzzle you come across and jump across the gap with the jump pad to get to the red gem door that opened up and smash the obelisk inside.
    3. Indigo/Red Material 2 - On your way back from the Aru, you take a jump pad to an island covered by grass. The material is hiding here.
    4. Indigo/Red Material 3 - Continue onward until you go over a bunch of jump pads in a row. Go left as far as possible to get the next material under some grass.
    5. Aru 2 - In the next area, go until you get to a new jump pad, but ignore it and go right toward a bubble gem puzzle, but look for a secret passage to the north. The secret passage shoots you out to another area of which there is an obelisk for you to smash.
    6. Indigo/Red Material 4 - Take that jump pad mentioned before and fight the next battle. Turn right going out of the combat room to find a material under the grass.
    7. Aru 3 - At the next intersection, go right and enter the secret room at the end of the hallway. The obelisk is straight ahead for you to smash.
    8. Indigo/Red Material 5 - In the same room as the last Aru under some reeds.
    9. Indigo/Red Material 6 - Don't go out the way you came! There is actually another secret passage in this secret room that leads to the next material.
    10. Indigo/Red Material 7 - From the next red gem, go south and right and take the teleporter to the small island. The material is under the grass here.
    Chapter 10:
    • No Materials in this chapter.
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    TonySkiGreat Guide! Used this for completion on Xbox.
    Posted by TonySki on 14 Feb at 03:55
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