All Orcs Must Die! Series News

A Look into the Future of Orcs Must Die! Unchained
A Look into the Future of Orcs Must Die! Unchained

Hello War Mages!It's been a while since my last update, so I thought I'd give everyone a heads-up on the latest happenings and plans for Orcs Must Die! Unchained over the next few months. The biggest OMDU news of the summer was th

Posted 8 years ago by Austin Phoenix

Orcs Must Die! Unchained Invasion Event
Orcs Must Die! Unchained Invasion Event

Attention War Mages,This weekend we’ll be running the second Orcs Must Die! Unchained weekend event. Beginning at 10 am Thursday, August 17, and ending at 10 am Monday, August 21 there will be four concurrent community challenges

Posted 8 years ago by Austin Phoenix