Top Scores for the Blackguards Series

For the Blackguards Series leaderboards, we include all games including regional and platform variants of each game to enable us to properly compare gamers.

Top Scores for the Blackguards Series

Gamer Achievements TA GS Played Completed
1. Arashicage 95 2,622 950 2 2
2. k i k u 88 2,493 880 2 1
3. Damian_NT 88 2,493 880 2 1
4. rdkehoe 88 2,493 880 2 1
5. Trumtatta 86 2,404 860 2 0
6. Graygem 87 2,345 870 2 1
7. Hyrax 78 2,134 780 2 0
8. _warrior_54 77 2,033 770 2 0
9. Descended 68 1,813 680 2 0
10. Henrius 66 1,625 660 2 0
11. Andystyl - Allkeyshop 58 1,462 580 2 0
12. Fet 57 1,460 570 2 0
13. Nerong 45 1,375 0 1 0
14. KittenMayhem 56 1,323 560 2 0
15. Ahuch 50 1,293 500 1 1
16. Strider 50 1,293 500 1 1
17. Dr Shovelware 50 1,293 500 1 1
18. Core 40 1,279 400 1 0
19. bjornim 39 1,269 390 1 0
20. Icebound 56 1,257 560 2 0
21. Sephyriana 54 1,212 540 2 0
22. Melens 38 1,200 380 1 0
23. QqshaAkaraBarnak 54 1,177 540 2 0
24. Flashing 37 1,154 370 1 0
25. shpasic 45 1,154 450 2 0
26. ReoAvalon 38 1,145 380 1 0
27. Gulla 51 1,129 510 2 0
28. archgamers 50 1,117 500 2 0
29. Volk 44 1,117 440 2 0
30. Victorture 45 1,116 450 2 0
31. Rojzik 36 1,098 360 1 0
32. Rain94 49 1,069 490 2 0
33. Acsius 48 1,068 480 2 0
34. DarkKn1ght94 35 1,042 350 1 0
35. Jotaro 35 1,032 350 1 0
36. harg 34 1,031 340 1 0
37. kats_killer 46 1,030 460 2 0
38. Borzy 33 1,029 330 1 0
39. ViRuSz 45 1,022 450 2 0
40. esperancaleo 38 1,013 380 2 0
41. QETC 33 1,006 330 1 0
42. Mugimaru 45 974 450 2 0
43. Verloc 43 972 430 2 0
44. Ritterhaer 33 966 330 1 0
45. Onizucka 44 959 440 2 0
46. Causa-Mortis 39 955 390 2 0
47. Heinz Guderian 33 952 330 1 0
48. Riven 32 927 320 1 0
49. Karol13 39 925 390 2 0
50. bluezhaan 42 906 420 2 0
51. Lolozaur 44 905 440 2 0
52. imthatjeremyguy 44 904 440 2 0
53. Azalorn 44 902 440 2 0
54. Darthdill232 42 896 420 2 0
55. Jadago 32 884 320 1 0
56. Slayer_17 31 881 310 1 0
57. Hjelmdallermann 38 869 380 2 0
58. Jawredd 42 867 420 2 0
59. koolfox 31 866 310 1 0
60. Samiclaus 42 855 420 2 0
61. Jeh64 42 854 420 2 0
62. Aksusti 30 830 300 1 0
63. RobinX 30 828 300 1 0
64. Junoson 32 826 320 1 0
65. Cousins2007 41 822 410 2 0
66. Hunter 32 821 320 2 0
67. odeoderok 35 820 350 2 0
68. Quzzimi 37 816 370 2 0
69. WilhelmSB 40 813 400 2 0
70. BlackXIV 39 769 390 2 0
71. jonwett 29 758 290 1 0
72. AmUnRA 29 737 290 2 0
73. Sakaeo 33 725 330 2 0
74. Big Bad Goat 31 724 310 2 0
75. Trelander 25 718 250 1 0
76. theasha 25 715 250 1 0
77. Ravenor 28 714 280 1 0
78. Xathos 32 707 320 2 0
79. Magabeus 31 700 310 2 0
80. sirjames 30 698 300 2 0
81. v4ssili 27 685 270 1 0
82. Kyuzan 27 684 270 1 0
83. agk85 31 683 310 2 0
84. Psottnik 27 677 270 2 0
85. LFumble 27 673 270 1 0
86. PraiseTheToaster 31 667 310 2 0
87. Benj 23 657 230 1 0
88. LucasCosta 26 655 260 1 0
89. Space Cow 31 647 310 2 0
90. Duke_Eradication 26 646 260 1 0
91. maxff9 26 646 260 1 0
92. Brianjmugs 26 645 260 1 0
93. DocJones 26 645 260 1 0
94. GrubbyZero00000 28 641 280 2 0
95. Filavorin 25 632 250 1 0
96. CVigilante 29 629 290 2 0
97. Nenokmagic 25 629 250 1 0
98. Zavid 25 618 250 1 0
99. Kafofu 25 595 250 2 0
100. davion 28 594 280 2 0
101. tinydancer 27 577 270 2 0
102. iza 28 573 280 2 0
103. Insanitius 22 560 220 1 0
104. thruud 22 544 220 1 0
105. NostromoXP 22 542 220 1 0
106. AndrewRP 22 541 220 1 0
107. bobnowhere 29 539 290 2 0
108. LastM 22 538 220 1 0
109. Air73 22 528 220 1 0
110. Akantha 20 525 200 1 0
111. Loom 21 525 210 1 0
112. iPixelPixie 22 521 220 1 0
113. goftmonk 27 517 270 2 0
114. vgvpiraju 21 517 210 1 0
115. ZamaskoVany 26 510 260 2 0
116. Mandulum 21 503 210 1 0
117. Salavora 21 501 210 1 0
118. aioran 21 494 210 1 0
119. Riftdare 21 494 210 1 0
120. Globalchalet 21 489 210 1 0
121. Taerkas 21 480 210 1 0
122. JustChecking 20 479 200 1 0
123. What you check 20 478 200 1 0
124. Hevi 19 474 190 1 0
125. UndeadBob 20 474 200 1 0
126. Nefian 20 472 200 1 0
127. Randver 18 464 180 1 0
128. Wolve2k 19 460 190 1 0
129. Austinb170 20 459 200 1 0
130. Black Nihlus 22 459 220 2 0
131. khenubaal 20 458 200 1 0
132. ArtikChill 19 439 190 2 0
133. Linaria 19 438 190 1 0
134. MrGiverock 19 436 190 1 0
135. GAMEAPP13 23 433 230 2 0
136. dabulus 23 432 230 2 0
137. limonow83 19 431 190 1 0
138. Mithirii 23 426 230 1 0
139. peloxi 18 421 180 1 0
140. Ebichan 19 417 190 1 0
141. becci 19 416 190 2 0
142. 4StringsNoMercy 21 411 210 2 0
143. Phabio 22 409 220 1 0
144. Zalkar 18 405 180 1 0
145. robthebob11 21 404 210 2 0
146. caiusballad93 17 400 170 1 0
147. Grocktoczar 17 394 170 1 0
148. Ateszmadman 16 387 160 1 0
149. Axelb9 17 384 170 1 0
150. Nannasvei 17 384 170 1 0
151. TMon555 17 384 170 1 0
152. PyxiStyx 17 382 170 2 0
153. pbradley179 19 381 190 2 0
154. Judgment 17 377 170 1 0
155. Lime Jaffa 17 372 170 1 0
156. VGUK Yreon 16 371 160 1 0
157. Worldie Feard 20 370 200 1 0
158. ximmortal 17 369 170 1 0
159. MoonMonkey 17 361 170 1 0
160. Hallowedsoul08 15 360 150 1 0
161. Maledictam 16 359 160 1 0
162. MrPrecise 17 354 170 1 0
163. Vankz 16 353 160 1 0
164. Pancerny 15 351 150 1 0
165. Damnameneus 16 349 160 1 0
166. SPACE JAM 16 343 160 1 0
167. Eriko_28 14 342 140 1 0
168. Aris 16 341 160 1 0
169. cann0nf0dder 15 334 150 1 0
170. Kebelgium 20 332 200 2 0
171. RuySan 16 331 160 1 0
172. WitchRinnie 15 331 150 1 0
173. michael5282 15 326 150 1 0
174. nastyneil77 11 326 110 1 0
175. Capn J 15 325 150 1 0
176. Secular 19 324 190 2 0
177. Lynchden 19 320 190 2 0
178. DedoBozhe 15 319 150 1 0
179. CyMpak 14 317 140 1 0
180. Black Warden 15 313 150 2 0
181. Dolsis 14 309 140 1 0
182. ehpbluurr 19 308 190 2 0
183. Luvy 15 306 150 1 0
184. Castor Castagneur 14 305 140 1 0
185. LemonCat 14 305 140 1 0
186. Agnot3000 15 304 150 1 0
187. Galabrok 14 303 140 1 0
188. Sevenrou 12 302 120 1 0
189. Procrastik 14 300 140 1 0
190. Morkai_bde 13 295 130 1 0
191. Janchux 11 293 110 1 0
192. Cube 13 292 130 1 0
193. sylzure 15 292 150 2 0
194. Jaketson 14 281 140 1 0
195. Askub 14 279 140 1 0
196. neondead 16 279 160 1 0
197. Letzer 14 275 140 1 0
198. soupbadger 14 275 140 1 0
199. prakkeri 13 274 130 1 0
200. jessikittyjessikitty 9 266 90 1 0