Top Scores for the A Plague Tale Series

For the A Plague Tale Series leaderboards, we include all games including regional and platform variants of each game to enable us to properly compare gamers.

Top Scores for the A Plague Tale Series

Gamer Achievements TA GS Played Completed
1. Devil In The Flesh 70 910 700 2 2
2. TheChosenOne786 70 910 700 2 2
3. Izzy_TTV 70 910 700 2 2
4. Casual Sky 70 910 700 2 2
5. Sreeper 70 910 700 2 2
6. Gydzo 70 910 700 2 2
7. Andr3wWw 70 910 700 2 2
8. Iggy 70 910 700 2 2
9. cactorm 70 910 700 2 2
10. Dogey 70 910 700 2 2
11. imJakeeeee 70 910 700 2 2
12. Nivius 70 910 700 2 2
13. TheBestCorgi 70 910 700 2 2
14. JC1896bc7 70 910 700 2 2
15. AngelBanda1 70 910 700 2 2
16. DayDreamer27 70 910 700 2 2
17. Costasdr 70 910 700 2 2
18. Vladlen 70 910 700 2 2
19. TheMirre96 70 910 700 2 2
20. KinoKonformist 70 910 700 2 2
21. KerFicii 70 910 700 2 2
22. Ciarcin 70 910 700 2 2
23. Tony Coomber 70 910 700 2 2
24. keyboard cripple 70 910 700 2 2
25. Ezekiel 70 910 700 2 2
26. rafal12322 70 910 700 2 2
27. cdie 70 910 700 2 2
28. n9ne_x 70 910 700 2 2
29. Bellandy 70 910 700 2 2
30. mishgun131 70 910 700 2 2
31. WholesomeEvil 70 910 700 2 2
32. Arbol 70 910 700 2 2
33. jommiey 70 910 700 2 2
34. Jitreq 70 910 700 2 2
35. Enriel 70 910 700 2 2
36. MortemLobo 70 910 700 2 2
37. Szlezi 70 910 700 2 2
38. Thermal Synapse 70 910 700 2 2
39. kammy64 70 910 700 2 2
40. Chips Dubbo 70 910 700 2 2
41. Cassy 70 910 700 2 2
42. MLIMG 70 910 700 2 2
43. FlaktheFox 70 910 700 2 2
44. lachie99 70 910 700 2 2
45. Intelrush 70 910 700 2 2
46. TeaR 70 910 700 2 2
47. Poison Ivy 70 910 700 2 2
48. TheBlueFruit 70 910 700 2 2
49. Keegan 70 910 700 2 2
50. Aperture_Dude 70 910 700 2 2
51. lackesis 70 910 700 2 2
52. Havris7 70 910 700 2 2
53. Feuerfrosch 70 910 700 2 2
54. OneDaySon 70 910 700 2 2
55. aapolloo 70 910 700 2 2
56. Fr0d0_Swaggins 70 910 700 2 2
57. Kruithne 70 910 700 2 2
58. Kevlar 70 910 700 2 2
59. Czech Fox 70 910 700 2 2
60. harbinger 70 910 700 2 2
61. Razor Six Four 70 910 700 2 2
62. blind_hurdler 70 910 700 2 2
63. Llyfr 70 910 700 2 2
64. Rediquiest 70 910 700 2 2
65. HeadlessHydra 70 910 700 2 2
66. ZeGroN 70 910 700 2 2
67. Wardelorn 70 910 700 2 2
68. JoeTheHero123 70 910 700 2 2
69. An9ryDude 70 910 700 2 2
70. Dumb 70 910 700 2 2
71. Njordy 70 910 700 2 2
72. erdstapa 70 910 700 2 2
73. NicksCheevos 70 910 700 2 2
74. xXIThanatosIXx 70 910 700 2 2
75. Mogician 70 910 700 2 2
76. ellinarensus 70 910 700 2 2
77. Phoseon 70 910 700 2 2
78. xxxShadowsidexxx 70 910 700 2 2
79. Hector_evil 70 910 700 2 2
80. z1ggy 70 910 700 2 2
81. TimotheusFlavii 70 910 700 2 2
82. Dieder 70 910 700 2 2
83. Flippol 70 910 700 2 2
84. Mato646 70 910 700 2 2
85. Avél 70 910 700 2 2
86. hmhannahbanana 70 910 700 2 2
87. Irvinou 70 910 700 2 2
88. Faker 70 910 700 2 2
89. Ytreza 70 910 700 2 2
90. Sasqath 70 910 700 2 2
91. Quande 70 910 700 2 2
92. Tepoc 70 910 700 2 2
93. TIGERJM 70 910 700 2 2
94. Eneko 70 910 700 2 2
95. Krishneuh 70 910 700 2 2
96. Entreerex 70 910 700 2 2
97. ItzMarco04 70 910 700 2 2
98. Lashley93 70 910 700 2 2
99. Scarlet Crusade 70 910 700 2 2
100. KeptPanther 70 910 700 2 2
101. clehjett 70 910 700 2 2
102. Arek 70 910 700 2 2
103. shelim 70 910 700 2 2
104. FenrirAmon 70 910 700 2 2
105. russian horny chubby penis 70 910 700 2 2
106. fenqaaaa 70 910 700 2 2
107. UnwrittenBridge 70 910 700 2 2
108. cantini 70 910 700 2 2
109. Slyden 70 910 700 2 2
110. n0body_ 70 910 700 2 2
111. XC1732 70 910 700 2 2
112. polymercrusader215 70 910 700 2 2
113. IMT48 70 910 700 2 2
114. Voit Peak 70 910 700 2 2
115. Clebinho 70 910 700 2 2
116. lichtgestalt87 70 910 700 2 2
117. Triss 70 910 700 2 2
118. Erico360 70 910 700 2 2
119. Artemis Hawke 70 910 700 2 2
120. ChinchillerTobi 70 910 700 2 2
121. 吃狗头的TMAC 70 910 700 2 2
122. Brandvsbrand 70 910 700 2 2
123. Demon_Dronny 70 910 700 2 2
124. yeops 70 910 700 2 2
125. Asmick 70 910 700 2 2
126. Dronz 70 910 700 2 2
127. Jmech1986 70 910 700 2 2
128. Melomaniac 70 910 700 2 2
129. Volksgemurmel 70 910 700 2 2
130. Renhe 70 910 700 2 2
131. ReRe 70 910 700 2 2
132. Rachaninov 70 910 700 2 2
133. Forseti 70 910 700 2 2
134. RingoAGU 70 910 700 2 2
135. QuietestInTheRoom 70 910 700 2 2
136. acowsik 70 910 700 2 2
137. Xdleox 70 910 700 2 2
138. Stallion Free 70 910 700 2 2
139. Abstruse 70 910 700 2 2
140. rTOM 70 910 700 2 2
141. SpidexRO 70 910 700 2 2
142. AspergerusCZ 70 910 700 2 2
143. aepak 70 910 700 2 2
144. RiptoCortex 70 910 700 2 2
145. Sobequ 70 910 700 2 2
146. Lartele 70 910 700 2 2
147. Wandersen 70 910 700 2 2
148. Slither 70 910 700 2 2
149. Pef00n 70 910 700 2 2
150. Eliot_Banic 70 910 700 2 2
151. js10101 70 910 700 2 2
152. justtamy 70 910 700 2 2
153. RT-XD 70 910 700 2 2
154. Chim Carry 70 910 700 2 2
155. SimplyBen 70 910 700 2 2
156. TomStory 70 910 700 2 2
157. MrFox20 70 910 700 2 2
158. Marion6758 70 910 700 2 2
159. RCO251 70 910 700 2 2
160. vfakoudis 70 910 700 2 2
161. NuNu 70 910 700 2 2
162. heller 70 910 700 2 2
163. Paman Kumis 70 910 700 2 2
164. jumis 70 910 700 2 2
165. t0rnad0 70 910 700 2 2
166. Overburner67 70 910 700 2 2
167. Helm 70 910 700 2 2
168. TrinKas 70 910 700 2 2
169. Flave 70 910 700 2 2
170. Rabbid_Stew 70 910 700 2 2
171. N3GO 70 910 700 2 2
172. SalsaBlanca 70 910 700 2 2
173. Lucas_Leyser 70 910 700 2 2
174. KodakEZ 70 910 700 2 2
175. Franklin Galo 70 910 700 2 2
176. Capricious Kiwi 70 910 700 2 2
177. Dahorapaker 70 910 700 2 2
178. FreeToaster 70 910 700 2 2
179. Arnurion 70 910 700 2 2
180. MrBeard 70 910 700 2 2
181. laplace-dirac 70 910 700 2 2
182. Chirpy 70 910 700 2 2
183. Melefacis 70 910 700 2 2
184. Dflt4 70 910 700 2 2
185. Nuk3r-- 70 910 700 2 2
186. FirelanderX 70 910 700 2 2
187. Suey 70 910 700 2 2
188. mrkitties420 70 910 700 2 2
189. ACertainCoder 70 910 700 2 2
190. Eef 70 910 700 2 2
191. Reverend9 70 910 700 2 2
192. Kewnter44 70 910 700 2 2
193. Iggy Pob 70 910 700 2 2
194. Sayantan8 70 910 700 2 2
195. GamahMan73 70 910 700 2 2
196. Dealydoddi 70 910 700 2 2
197. thundercunt_ninja 70 910 700 2 2
198. JellyColonel 70 910 700 2 2
199. RCCruz 70 910 700 2 2
200. Coorexz 70 910 700 2 2